Never Toke With Timewasters!

Ok, my friend asked another if he could get him some.
"Oh, I'm giving it up for a bit" was the reply he got. And then a couple of days later sent him a text saying he was really stoned listening to an album.

Is he taking the piss?
Have you ever had to deal with pricks like that? If I had some, I'd share it with my friend. He was the one who got me into it, it's only fair. He's really cracking up over it.
I thought there was some sort of brotherhood between smokers?
I advised him to not bother with him. Not respond to his texts or anything, but I don't think he will.

What can you advise?


Well-Known Member
sometimes I think people take smoking weed to serious.
a fucking brotherhood between smokers?hahahaha
So your friend wanted to get weed,But your other friend wouldn't get him some.
Id of told him to walk his ass to the chinese store or wherever the fuck yall get weed from.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How is "i'm giving up" relevant to picking up a bag of weed for someone unless he's a seller and is giving up selling. Sounds like you don't really know the other guys story.

There seems to be some law of god that i've yet to read, that states that if there is weed it MUST be shared. If i have 1 joint, like fuck you'll get more than a drag off it whover you are, if i sense that you're knocking on my door purely because you know i often smoke weed, i just don't let em in :D or i do let them in and then smoke myself a bit potty and make sure they're aware that they cannot just turn up and expect me to share my gains :D