Never tried growing from clones before....and they are dying


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd try a few clones from the dispensary and get several different strains to try out..Purple Trash, Kardashian Kush and Pre 98 Bubba Kush. The came in the starter cubes. I put them small pots with Ocean Forest, and except for the very healthy looking Purple Kush, they appear to be dying. No new growth, and the leaves are curling up. They seemed pretty well rooted in the cubes. Aside from the Purple, the other clones only had a few small leaves on them so they didn't have a lot to start with.

So I'm trying to figure out what the problem is....not enough leaves on them, too much sunlight? (although it was overcast mostly first few days I had them) or what? Any ideas?
That's some strong soil for freshly rooted cuts. I woulda went with happy frog personally and after a couple weeks go with the ocean forest, but that's just me.
Hey John.. I'm thinking that your soil is too strong for those clones. Hit me up on Facebook and we'll talk more. :) Or we could just talk here. You could attend Mags grow class as well and see if they can address your questions too. :)
Hey John.. I'm thinking that your soil is too strong for those clones. Hit me up on Facebook and we'll talk more. :) Or we could just talk here. You could attend Mags grow class as well and see if they can address your questions too. :)
Legal or not I would minimize chatter of FB better known as Fed Book. You dont want to come on some ones radar. OP you may have burned your babies. How have you been watering them since you got them? I definitely would not pay for a class. Stay here we can help you. Post some pics and i would be able to help more now it is all speculation. Keepem green dirrtyd
Thanks DD for the heads up. I only said FB so he he could message me if he wanted to. :) He is a patient at the same club that I frequent and we've "chatted" on FB a few times. :) The grow class that is offered is free and I may be attending it as well. :)

I am running a cut of the same Purple Trash. :)
Heya angry! Your FB handle start with a D and end with a V? So FF may be too hot for a clone? The Purple seems to be thriving, but again it had the most leaves/nodes to begin with, the others just didn't look, leaf-wise, like they were ready to me, just a few small ones. By the way dirty, I've grown before indoors and out but this is my first time with clones. The grow class at mags is free, went to it a few weeks ago. No one there was a total newb, so we just asked questions

Anyhoo here are the pics




By the way, the pics make 'em look bigger than they really are. So they few bad ones are basically like a twig with a few small leaves
I don't know man, I would probably flush them and put them under a few cfl lights for 24 hours and humidity domes and HOPE they come back to life. What did they look like before?
NO NO NO. I can garantee you the FFOF is NOT too strong, I grow clones all the time inside and outside. Looks like what you have going on there is too much sun right off the bat. Most clones that come from dispensaries are found sitting under T5 flourescent lights. In noticing this you need to realize how weak those lights are compared to our sun.

What I'm thinking you did is throw them in the soil and immediately into the sunlight? In doing this you stress the plant out tremendously. Growers have a technique called "hardening off" which is when you take plants that have been grown inside under weaker lighting and place them in INDIRECT sunlight for a few days outside, and then they are put into the full sun. The switch from weak lighting to FULL sun, can and usually is too much for clones to handle.

The other side effect of throwing clones outside can be having them start flower. if a dispensary has the clones on a 24 and 0 schedule and then you throw them in the natural sun, its almost like a flowering schedule.(however this doesnt seem to be your problem.)

I recommend moving them to a shadier spot with less direct sunlight for a few days, and see if they improve.
NO NO NO. I can garantee you the FFOF is NOT too strong, I grow clones all the time inside and outside. Looks like what you have going on there is too much sun right off the bat. Most clones that come from dispensaries are found sitting under T5 flourescent lights. In noticing this you need to realize how weak those lights are compared to our sun.

What I'm thinking you did is throw them in the soil and immediately into the sunlight? In doing this you stress the plant out tremendously. Growers have a technique called "hardening off" which is when you take plants that have been grown inside under weaker lighting and place them in INDIRECT sunlight for a few days outside, and then they are put into the full sun. The switch from weak lighting to FULL sun, can and usually is too much for clones to handle.

The other side effect of throwing clones outside can be having them start flower. if a dispensary has the clones on a 24 and 0 schedule and then you throw them in the natural sun, its almost like a flowering schedule.(however this doesnt seem to be your problem.)

I recommend moving them to a shadier spot with less direct sunlight for a few days, and see if they improve.

NAILED IT!! Good now I do not have to write it out. :)
I just went out to a few grow shops asking some of the same questions I asked here. It's funny, some people swear that Fox farms is fine, some say it's too hot, so split decision on that. Pretty much they did say direct sunlight was probably too much for them, assuming they came from flourescents . They've been out 5 days now, so it's likely too late for a few of them. The others have some burn but are putting out some new growth that looks ok so far.

They also said it may be too early to go outside, that they may go into flowering. Right now the local time between sunrise and sunset is 14 hours. We have a day room that gets indirect sunlight..aside from the morning when the sun shines in for a few hours. For most of the rest of the day the sun is overhead and any light is simply from outside. Is that going to hurt them, or is having them outside in the shade during the afternoon the best way to acclimate them? I'm wondering if dealing with what I have and waiting to replace any for a while longer is the best bet

Any other advice, tips etc appreciated. I don't want to waste any more money on dead clones
It was not your soil it was the light. Just keep them as comfortable as possible and hope for the best. The days are getting longer the plant will understand that and not go into flower.
Put them under a few cfl's and let them recover and grow a good root system before throwing them back outside
You will be fine the old growth has burned I hope you have a good veg juice to feed them. The new growth should be green for you. Keepem green dirrtyd
At this point I don't think it's a good idea to throw nutes in them, want to wait until they get over the shock and grow more. FF should have enough good stuff for right now. lat year I used FF ferts, people are telling me Earth Juice is better, we'll see.
I can tell you right now that you sprayed them w water (misted them) during the day. I did the same damn thing with 15 beautiful sprouts in my new grow box about a month ago and ruined my entire shit. The deal is, so I've seen and heard, if you wet the plant under direct sun light the water evaporates faster than the plant takes up water - when the water on the outside of the leaves is evaporated, so is a bunch of water in the plant itself. Best thing to do is plant them like you just did and leave them be, when you water them use a spray bottle and dont spray the plant at all - the only time you want to mist you plants is at night when they have a long time to cool down. Hope this helps!