Never used air cooled lights.


My old G-O got taken down, and all the equipment is gone. I have always used cfl's for veg, and 1000 watt water cooled HPS for flower. So I have no experience with air cooled. I am starting up a new G-O in the next few weeks. I won't be able to cut through ceilings or walls to move air outside of the grow rooms. So this will be a closed room system. I was thinking about going with T5's for veg, and water cooled again for flower, but before I buy that expensive water cooled equipment thought I would check out how air cooled works. If I can't pump air out of the room can you still use air cooled lights efficiently? Where exactly does an air cooled light get rid of the hot air? I have always assumed it has to be circulated outside the grow area. If this is the case then I will have to go with water cooled again. I like water cooled, but they are expensive so I am just checking on possible options. How does the air cooled systems operate? Thanks.


Active Member
You need to get rid of the hot air mine vents outside if the temp outside your grow room is too hot then your grow room will stay hot


Thanks for the reply. Water cooled is awesome. Just expensive. In a room with 4 water cooled lights you are talking about spending $1,000 for ballasts, $400 for bulbs, $300 for reflectors, $200 for pumps, $1000 for the lamps, $300 for tubing, ressies, hangers, etc. So $3200 in lighting for the flower room. The lights work great, very quiet, and I can have buds touching the lamp with 1000 watts literally sitting on the plant with no heat. No heat in the room from lighting at all. I figured you had to take air outside the grow area. Anyone you air cooled in a closed room, without moving air outside?


Seems like a pretty nice setup, but probably expensive. One day I will do something like that. As for now a 696gph pump inside a 50 gal res is good enough to cool 1,000 watts. The main problem is space to hold 200 gal of ressies. I plan on having a big flower area.