That shit is ridonculously frosty. I don't think I could keep maself from licking those buds, hehe.
Lol, 560, 561, 562....
haha, is that pages? thats allot lol Im on 40 posts a page soo... its page 18 of this journal lol
No it's the "Like's": on your page, they are like clock work! Everyone is just so affectionate in this thread! lol
565, 566, 567...
yeah it seems whodat likes to show respect to those that post by liking them. i like that haha. wheres todays update?
I always have high levels of "Fuck it" lol
You breed the seeds and I'll pay for them, how about that? I wouldn't mind paying a low price for experimental geneticsThe strain I'm using in SCROG right now is your common Blue Dream, And she is stretching out nice now, but it is still going to be a extra funky looking finished product. I whole heartedly agree that you should absolutely grow it out at least once first before putting it under a screen, I just didn't have the option available in the crazy predicament I was in. Either way, Blue Dream is great, but it has effectively replaced AK47 as the common cash crop here in Cali. Blue Dream > AK 47 > California Big Bud: The evolution here in California of what I call "Table Buds," not because they aren't awesome, but because they are always on the table... dur.
I'm really thinking about Jack The Ripper, Chernobyl, and Dairy Queen are my new babies, the two latter strains are freebies from Attitude for 4th of July, pretty awesome freebies, but that Jack The Ripper just looks amazing! Indica is really what flies off the shelves in the clinics around here, but how can I go wrong with strains like that? I work a dispensary out in the desert and people out there are so fucking stupid and trashy, you hear the same rumors and fairly tails about how pot grows as you did in 9th grade.
Have you looked into Jack The Ripper? Dear God! Dear God......
But I would like to have some autoflower to compete this outdoor season. I have a super short season up in the mountains (I know it's far from the desert!) that only lasts about 3-4 months. And I would like to just flip two ruderalis runs. But at the same time I have soooo much cool fucking equipment in doors and I don't get great light in my back yard. Good enough to grow some solid nugs, but not the grinder-breaking nugs I'm known for!
I got some auto seeds you can come down and pick up, when you drop off that breeding pair![]()
I got some auto seeds you can come down and pick up, when you drop off that breeding pair![]()
You are totally awesome, do you know that? I have a well established father for you already, and I may have some collected pollen for you from my adult male that I started to flower and put outside. He isn't stressed by it at all, he is happy to keep giving male flowers with no issues at all. So by the time this clone is transplanted into a 1 gal I should have some pollen to go with it. Problem right now is that my buddy found out he was cloning the males again instead of the females, doh! So another delay. But soon enough we will have them.
I made my choice on seeds btw, I'm calling Attitude in an hour when they open up. Because I bought beer with my vanilla visa card like a dummy, I only have enough on it now to buy a Nirvana strain, so I'm getting the White Castle. Haha, everything else went out the window.
lol so I was talking to a random tonight and said "im about to get some herb so frosty it doesn't even need to be trimmed" ( Im smashed ok, give me a break.) and they got mad at me and said "I would slap the person that sold me un trimmed weed" I said "you dont understand" they saind "you dont understand" I said "ok" lol and walked away loling all the way home
lol n not really a random at all loll I know the dudebut he doesn't know me.
wasted, cheers to all my peeps!
Im a little too drunk to understand through the post but take it somewhere ells no offense.
Whodat! what it is bro? how was yo 4th?