New 4,400w Room With Co2

hehe we will see about that! I got more freshly rooted ak clones getting ready for xplant in a few days :-) I may have to build an aunt flow #3 for em... Im just having too much fun with this hydro :-) that is why I grow in the first place btw.

NOFX, fucking flash back to High School... remember when you thought of nipples every 3 seconds instead of every 6 seconds?
Haha :lol:

I saw em in new orleans a few months back :-D hellofa show! Im in one of the youtube vids briefly.... find waldo! lol
Now whens the last time I saw nofx...?
I'm new to this thread, but I find it hilarious that when the topic switches over to skate punk (your NOFX is my Belvedere, for the record), nipples managed to make their way into things in the second sentence.

As for the important topic:
Amazing grow man. Pretty much one of the best tutorials online at this point.
Yeah I have a soft spot near to my heart for nips, I love em ha

Thanks allot for the kind words bro and welcome to my journal :-)
IDK about "one of the best tutorials online" but flattering, thanks.
Feel free to post whenever and enjoy the show :-)
I have a hard spot in my crotch for nips.

Whodat sure does produce nugs like a mother fucker. I was going to kiss his ass a bunch and talk up the grow journal more. But I don't want to pop his ego. Haha.

I guess I'm just a little burned out these past few months. Usually my grow room could be compared to a sterile laboratory.

I'm off to bed as well, I have work in the morning. Fuck Saturdays.


Talk about a blast from the past :shock:
I guess I'm just a little burned out these past few months. Usually my grow room could be compared to a sterile laboratory.

I'm off to bed as well, I have work in the morning. Fuck Saturdays.

Come on Jozi, the OT is sweet! I hear you on the cleanliness too. I used to be stupid clean but I just don't have time to operate like that anymore. I keep it clean but I don't spend nearly as much time trying to keep it sterile. Right now my fungus gnats are going apeshit, need to wipe them somehow.
Come on Jozi, the OT is sweet! I hear you on the cleanliness too. I used to be stupid clean but I just don't have time to operate like that anymore. I keep it clean but I don't spend nearly as much time trying to keep it sterile. Right now my fungus gnats are going apeshit, need to wipe them somehow.

I just picked up 5 million of em for 15 bucks at a local grow shop :-)

""""Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic, nonsegmented worms that occur naturally in soil all around the world. Once they are released, the nematodes seek out host insects and enter their prey through body openings, injecting them with lethal bacteria, then feeding on the resultant "goo".The nematodes reproduce and their offspring feed on the insect cadaver and emerge to seek out new hosts. The endo-toxin generally results in death of the host insect within 48 hours."""""""

Gotta love that! ^^^
Thanks DL, the high changes as I let it mature... I'll try and chop at the sweet spot with a mix of ups and downs in the high.
Thats a wet nug btw, I took the pic like 5 mins after I cut it.