Well-Known Member
Trump loves the uneducated, offense intended.No offense intended good sir, but I believe you are what is referred to as a "useful idiot".
So he's like 110 years old now?Soros himself said it in an interview... during the war he collaborated with the Nazis to round up his own Jewish people and steal their possessions. He pretended to be German. Nice guy.. certainly not someone I'd like to pretend represents all Jews but you guys go ahead.
oh look a neo naziLol @ posts deleted by mods but quoted in the thread by you dummies...shows the kind of moderation around here. Uncle idiot can talk about how he is sucking dog dicks all day, but tell the truth and you get censored...haha..buck you loser. How much do Soros' foundation pay you to host these opinions on this site?
You brain dead idiot, he was a school aged little kid and you fucking know it.Are you trying to say he is dead? He is certainly alive, looks better than you probably.
when Brett kavanaugh was blackout drunk and raping Christine blasey ford he was 18 but boys will be boys I supposeHe was about 14-15 by his own reckoning...old enough to know right from wrong. And it is super funny to see all of you democrats defending a billionaire thief...lol
A holocaust survivor.He was about 14-15 by his own reckoning...old enough to know right from wrong. And it is super funny to see all of you democrats defending a billionaire thief...lol
A holocaust survivor.
Go watch some more Fox news. If 2 black guys looked at you mean you'd piss your pants.
You wouldn't survive a bar fight let alone a nazi occupation.
thats true if all you do is listen to a doctored youtube video instead of listening to the actual transcript of what was saidSome had holocaust survival others lied and pretended to be German and never went to CAMP you fucking retard, while stealing all his peoples possessions.
Like Soros.
thats true if all you do is listen to a doctored youtube video instead of listening to the actual transcript of what was said
But neo nazis like you have no use for facts
Please do not go on any lethal synagogue massacres with an ar-15 (assault rifle 15). Go suck dog dicks instead
is soros paying me to state facts about trump* on a pot website?Soros shill...we know it now!!! Fuck TRUMP but FUCK YOU MORE ASSHOLE!!!
if I’m lying then humiliate me by posting the doctored youtube video you’re getting your conspiracy theories from as well as the actual transcript of the interview, neo naziYou have no facts just lies. You pretend this billionaire represents the Jewish people and their interests.. Why?
is soros paying me to state facts about trump* on a pot website?
no need to be so triggered, neo nazi
anyone who deals in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories like you do is sucking trumps cock too so don’t try to lie to us about that
Triggered neo nazi alertSoros shill...we know it now!!! Fuck TRUMP but FUCK YOU MORE ASSHOLE!!!
reported as spamYou have no facts just lies. You pretend this billionaire represents the Jewish people and their interests.. Why?
Answer the question SOROS slave...reported as spam