Communist Dreamer
Well-Known Member
We are like what 11 months out from the election and he is having to get you trolls out in this kind of force this early to get him some cover from being impeached. I don't think he has the stamina nor the ability to not screw up again and again and again causing all your hard work to go to waste.
If Trump loses, it'll be hilarious, and I'll laugh at the Trumpers really hard. Because this election is his to win. Biden is going to get humiliated by Trump during the campaign for all his creepy smelling of little girls' hair. Biden I don't think will handle Trump's jackass behavior. Hillary must have no soul to put up all the garbage Bubba put her through. In that way I feel sorry for her. She was completely empty inside. That made here dangerous.
Biden does seem to have a heart, but he's just weird. Trump will take extreme advantage of that weakness. That's just how Trump is. Politics sucks, if you got any caring at all in you, that either goes away, or you lose. Which is why I hate all politicians, they're faker than however fake you think I am.
This just popped up on my list. Quite ironic.