New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

I just set up a couple AF 36's, after reading all the post and seeing all the pictures I can't wait to drop my clones in them! Do you guys use the Cocotex liners or just the hydroton?


damn thas sauce i would throw some tarp over the carpet fer sure.. got an aero 36 work dope as fuck veg for bout 1.5-2 wk then flower they get HUGE real quick.. what u using for nutes organi or chemi?


Hey TRIPLE, I use the hydroton with the cocotek liners. I tried it without it for a while but to me it seems a little more stable and I seem to be able to let them go a while before I net and train them. (tarp over the carpet?!?)


Well-Known Member

I dont use the liners.. I feel like the roots get all bunched and dont grow as healthy! My SEEDS are 2 weeks in.. here are the pics... they are going into the AF in the next couple of days! Thats right to all the new people here.. I started seeds in an EZ Clone and they are done.


Active Member
the e-z cloners are cool but for the price its kinda hard to buy one. You could buy something else that may be more usefull than the ez cloner. What i mean is $250 (or more) for the ez cloner when you can build one your self for less than $60 that will work exactly the same. With the money you save building one you could buy more nutes or whatever


Well-Known Member
Lookin good DP. i want you to check out the pictures i posted a little bit ago. i reposted pics from exactly two weeks ago and pics from today. i thought you might be interested in seeing the growth rate cuz you are using the same nutrients.