New and I Need Some Advice from Pro Growers


Active Member
alright ive been smoking for a while and ive decided to take a shot at growing, only problem here comes winter and i live in michigan so it gets pretty cold i also need to hide this operation from my mom. ive got a walk in closet pretty large and im looking for any advice on hiding this or keeping it discreet and as well as any advice on what i should try growing on my first time? should i just use the mids i buy or should i purchase seeds? im looking to maybe have enough exp to attempt to grow some realll good stuff come summer time. any advice thanks in advancee
yah im a dumbass and posted this in the wrong forum before my bad.


Well-Known Member
bro, if your a teen living in your moms house have the decency to wait until your an adult and have your own place to do a grow. Honor your mother man. If your not, I apologize.


Well-Known Member
You will be found out in no time, your mom still snoops through your stuff when your not there, all parents do. They aren't as Dumb as you think, you might get away with it for a little bit, but they WILL find out.

If you can construct a box behind a false wall that exhausts all air outside after scrubbing clean of smell, all the while being silent in operation and holding temperatures under 80F then I would say go for it.

Ifg you really want to get enough experience to be a "good Grower" your going to need a couple years minimum, its not like you do multiple grows before summer, youll be lucky to do 1 possibly 2. Oh and you might want to think about what a good setup that will grow quality "Good" bud is going to cost while your in your closet measuring. Figure anywhere from $100-$500 for lights ( HID only way to go) $100 for starter nutes, $100 for PPM and PH meters, $50 for fans, thermometer, humidity meter, pots , soil, venting, insulation, building all adds up fast. Its very easy to spend Thousands of dollars getting everything your going to need to grow "Good" bud.

I suggest starting small with a few CFl's and just getting basics down, small vegging plants don't give off much smell usually. You can make bud, but it won't be " Good" nor will there be alot of it. A good setup is going to take up more space than your closet can afford.


Well-Known Member
You could bring it up to your parents like I did lol. I asked my dad if it would be cool if I brought home an ounce to smoke because it would save me money.. he said ok without really caring (kinda suprised, but he has never thought weed was 'bad'). To be fair he is very cool, probably more like my friend then parent.. but that worked for us. When I turned 16, for my birthday he bought me my first grow cabinet..


Junior Creatologist
gotta love that shit, lol.

/but yeah, it IS really easy to end up spendin over a grand on your grow, before you even get started on the plants, lol. But just make sure, if your gonna do it, do it right. theres no sense in half assing it, unless you want a half assed product. there ARE ways to ghetto rig a really decent growroom for 1 or 2 plants without spending hardly any money, but after thats set up, your still gonna end up spending a couple hundred bucks at least on cFLs, nutes, pots, mylar, some more nutes when u burn your plant with the first nutes, ect.. it all really adds up. But make sure its something that you really wanna do first, and eSPECIALLY in your parents house. its unfair to say for sure that youll get caught, because you might end up being a McGuyver grower, and be able to build a stealth enough growroom to hide shit from the entire world, but i wouldnt think that much of myself if i was you. id entertain the real possibility that your gonna get caught, lol. ill knock on wood for ya though bro.

good luck!!



Well-Known Member
Well all in all if you're under 18 and living with your parents, don't do it without telling them. Plain and simple. It's not worth either getting caught by them, or getting your own parents caught and in trouble for your own fuck ups.


Active Member
oh alright sorry i left out a couple things, the closet is in basement and isnt used by anyone, as well as my mom knows about how much i smoke and was considering growing herself but her new spouse is against it but he knows not to go near my room, and im lookin to grow outdoors come summer once it gets warmer. but should i really wait or just try something small like a low ryder>?


Well-Known Member
By growing in your parent's house you are putting them at risk. It's not worth it, just wait....


Active Member
also sorry im new to this forgot to mention one last thing, she often bitchs at me because to acquire marijuana the only other thing i can do is go to the ghetto's where chances are i will get jumped or something, so that may effect her decision that in mind you guys think i should wait still? i think i might ask her before hand but if not the false wall is a definite possibility and i have ample room to create a half way decent (low income) grow room