New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

What kind of sugar do you use and what method to sugar them? I remember reading early on that a lot of people try to add sugar and it just melts them.
I just fill up a baggy with regular table sugar, toss in a bunch of gummys and shake the shit out of them. Never had a problem with sugar or gummys melting. I keep em in the sugar baggy, in the kitchen pantry at room temp
I just fill up a baggy with regular table sugar, toss in a bunch of gummys and shake the shit out of them. Never had a problem with sugar or gummys melting. I keep em in the sugar baggy, in the kitchen pantry at room temp

Do you let the gummies sit and cure at all before tossing them in sugar? Or just out of the molds and into the good stuff?
How'd they turn out?
My son decided "Real men cook with fire", I hate when my words come out his mouth. He volunteered to go out and cook them on the grill. They got a little more done than I usually cook them, but I didn't have to donate blood to the hordes of mosquito's. I buy large size buns so when I make the burgers I make them to fit. They are bigger than 1/3 pound each.