New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

When I was a kid we lived in Inglewood, CA and liked to go to Catalina for holidays like the 4th of July- this was in about 1967
Anyway there was a stand out on the pier at Avalon that sold "abalone burgers" for a dollar
Those were without a doubt the best seafood I ever ate
Speaking of tater tots, I worked for Gourmet Food Products in Boardman, OR for a time after I got out of the Navy
They made the best tater tots, and during lunch break they would bring out big sheet pans of them for the crew to eat, straight off the production line. Let me tell you, there was nothing like tater tots that had never been frozen
Yeah, but do you ever snack on a frozen tater tot or 3 while you're waiting for the others to cook? Mm mm mmmm.....