New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

@curious2garden that pic of that portable swamp cooler i shared the other day? the pump quit about 15 seconds of running. dammit! wish we had a hydro store close by to get a replacement pump.
Oh damn!! That's frustrating. We just had to replace the pump on ours and she's running right now and not doing a damn thing. Once you are over 110 it fails. I keep thinking I should pull out my oversized dehumi and see what she can do for my house instead of just my girls. Who, to be honest, I'm ready for them to be dead.
Oh damn!! That's frustrating. We just had to replace the pump on ours and she's running right now and not doing a damn thing. Once you are over 110 it fails. I keep thinking I should pull out my oversized dehumi and see what she can do for my house instead of just my girls. Who, to be honest, I'm ready for them to be dead.
shit happens! it ran fine end of last season when i flushed it. luckily the pump is only like 10 bucks on amazon.

and thankfully we never get near 110F here!!! lol. at least you got a pool
Oh damn!! That's frustrating. We just had to replace the pump on ours and she's running right now and not doing a damn thing. Once you are over 110 it fails. I keep thinking I should pull out my oversized dehumi and see what she can do for my house instead of just my girls. Who, to be honest, I'm ready for them to be dead.
Ever try putting chunks of ice in the reservoir? I thought you put some mini splits in...?
I like to treat myself to KFC a couple times a year ;)

Ordered three regular batter pieces, small fries and small gravy.

Get to the window, that will be $14.23 please :o

What the hay ? It was a treat so I pay and go my way...

Doesn't feel like That long ago they had a two piece $2 Tuesday special, sigh...

Get home and find three pieces of Boneless chicken, shyt.

Was looking for bone in, nice and moist. And yes, can be a bit greasy but that's okay !

It was edible and a treat not to have to cook but for the price, not..

KFC 14 July 23.jpg
