Just curious here hotrod, but how do you can you possibly get hotspots from a CFL ? I can see it if you're using a light that kicks out more IR light (heat), but a CFL doesn't generate any damaging heat unless it's actually touching the leaf.
I agree generally about the flat white, (I'm going to prime the walls in my veg area when I get the time)
As un-scientific as it is, in my flowering cabinet the space blanket walls don't trigger the flash on my camera yet white styrofoam I put up does. This is with the camera sitting on its back on the table between the three plants I've got in there, so it's an attempt to use the camera's CCD as a light meter circuit (with the lights directly in front turned off of course).
That tells me that there's more overall light getting to the center of the three plants with the 'foil' then there is with the flat white styro and isn't that what it's all about ?
I'm trying to be an ass, I just don't get how you could generate reflected hotspots from a 'cool' light source.