new at cloning, taking forever???


Well-Known Member
heres the thing... I took my first set of clones 2 weeks ago from a 2 month old early skunk now after they were cut and diped they kinda wilted but then firmed up kinda twisted though. Now there still green and healthy lookin but still NO roots. Is this normal or are they toast??I followed all the advise I could get on using rock wool as a medium so maby they are just slow starts??? any comments would be great thanks budz:wall:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
no i see roots i about 10 to 12 ay. give it a week longer and if you still don't see roots then recut an dip again. i can get them to root mos of the time by doing this. good luck


Well-Known Member
I just stick them in water and get roots in 1 - 2 weeks, never tried dipping and all that. If the clones still look alive they may come around but you are right seems like they are taking a long time.


Well-Known Member
I recently had a plant that was just near impossible to clone. out of 12 or so cuttings, 2 took. (since it was such a bugger ,the mom was abused for mad scientist experiments) Usually I get a near 100% rate.

Like said before give another week.


Well-Known Member
I have had some slow starters both clones and plants. My attitude is if its green, there is hope. Patience is the hardest part of growing IMO. Hang in there and as long as they look green and healthy let them go and see what happens.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
stick them in a heated propergator if you have not yet done so cuttings root best when they sit on somthing warm and the air temps are humid and warm 80f. some plants take longer than others, but warm humid air will speed up all cuttings. ie at 60f a cutting may never take the same cutting at 80f it will take with in 5-7 days


Well-Known Member
cool, thanks guys.I've got a couple Derban poison that I just cut I put them in the same tray.just to see if there easier to clone then the early skunk. but in another couple days if there not started then I might just try to re-cut and re-dip. taker easy budz