New at this


I haven't trimmed anything yet. I live in Washington state and we haven't been having the greatest summer. Kind of sunny here and there but mostly cloudy. I moved my plant inside an hour ago under a heat light because it was pretty windy, and it's not gonna be nice until Friday. Should I leave it inside until then or put it back outside?


Well-Known Member
I haven't trimmed anything yet. I live in Washington state and we haven't been having the greatest summer. Kind of sunny here and there but mostly cloudy. I moved my plant inside an hour ago under a heat light because it was pretty windy, and it's not gonna be nice until Friday. Should I leave it inside until then or put it back outside?
What are your temps like... heat lamp doesn't sound like a good idea IMO


Active Member
Leave it out side! Bringing in and out will stunt it even if it is raining and windy out. As soon as mine get into.3 or 4 in pots try go to the.bk deck and when they get transplanted from there to 2 gallon pots and taken to there final outside location. A few years ago I left a tray outside full time (36plants) and I brought one tray in after idk a month-5 weeks the ones out side were pushing as the ones under a 600wt mh.