Well-Known Member
you havn't left?! :O
lol. that thc is pretty good though.

ya i been looking at the merry stem it means were the shoots have more cell multiplication so it be at the tip or new growth and take those cuttings or a peice of new leaf and devied it for inducing the merry stem with hormones that produce shoots then take those and transfer to a new inducing agar with rooting hormones am i wrong but fuck some of these vidoes are so fucken intresting they fly around all kinds of agriculure the univercities like berkley and other well know speakers fuck way diffrent than your regualar teachings on you tube its good shit the coconut one was realy intresting the reson why we cant pierce the hole is the two are aborted embreose and the one you cant peirce is were it will grow its shoot out from fucken crazzy i nevor knew that!!!
brooooo you gotta delete some pms im tryna hit you up bout the tissue culture n bout some of your crosses! shoot me a pm or somethin
try deleting all of your sent messages. it's what is taking up all the space in your inboxi have deleated all my mail in box and still im getting messages saying my inbox is full...