New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal


Well-Known Member
I thought the phantom was crossed with the platinum cookies to make the phantom cookies?
its def plat cookies x phantom
Lol, it warms my heart to see this kind of stuff, I believe you gentlemen are correct, it's Phantom and Bay Platinum Cookies. I'll post up some pics of my GSC cut, I'm hoping some of you sharp growers can help me identify the pheno. It looks more like a light green Blue Dream than a Thin Mint. I checked the Thin Mint and it looks just like a purple OG.

owwwhhhh shit please bust those pic jozikins!!!!! yaaaaaahhhh
I'll post up the pics, I got the males at a buddies house, and I'm harvesting tonight. So I'll take them then and post them up. Now I wish I kept the Jedi, I think I might have an extra one over there, the Qush and Phantom Cookies are the only things I'm really interested in. Jedi is super stretchy, and I really want to stay away from anything with SFV in it. I'm just fucking sick of SFV, it's good for adding weight for sure though.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
okay i woke up man those lil testers??? i fucked up big time i didnt take cuts the smell is so fucken crazzy i know its gona turn out good it has a sweet smell with an ogee sent its sweet diesle fuel smell if that makes sense dude im gona atempt to clone off of it the nug is already forming shit i hope i can pull it off i fucked up big time fuck how could i dought raskals finiky taste for supream excelence in his genetics i just didnt know gdp's candy land was anything special we down hear in the south dont realy do the purpse seen its just not as popular as og kush but ow well the look is just so great and the smell fuck the gsc i got fuck that plant i mean it could still be a greatness but these lil ass early in flower one week veg isnt enough time i just threw them in but they got more patential than i shit i put my hopes up for!!!! man i fucked up.. hope i can take a cut from them all look great smell the same except one they all look difrent the phenoe or carituristics..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
you know what funny while all these newspapers and places that have adds on under ground strains in the los angles area like the oboma og wich is realy master planuim og!!!! or diamond og, or blaster og recently in high times, or all these other strains that i have hunted down in this lil area witch isnt hard you just got to do the foot work the blaster was a burn i went far to get her n it wasnt her but a budy got it right now, 100 dollar og, king lui x111 and many many many more i find it funny that im not trien to make my name mainstreem i can give a fuck lolz i think about the people that blog i wounder were there foundation is that try to take me for a fool when i have ran the gentics long time before they ever made it main streem or made it in an add.. the funny thing is i dont have the want to prove it if you read me from the begining i came in as a closet grower from the para noia but i was already and ex clinic owner and was a grower before then. as you probley can tell if i wasnt i wouldnt be getting my hands on these genetic!!!! that the normal cat couldnt get, but thats not my goal like i sead i had a belley full of this shit.. to me its work and i hate to work once it becomes a job i move on but before i go i will be entering the cup this year im getting read as of NOW!!! ill do a few because i remember high time wanting a shit load of money and wax that way to fucken much i think like a quarter pound of wax + 1000 entery booth is like 4000 grand.. and like all the entreys plus like a quad of bud if i remember right but a fucken quad of wax thats a fucken lot lolz so ya its gona be a couple of grand but im tired im run down to were even my close friends cant get a hold of me.. i have become an anty social.. lolz this is my last round though i dont want to be a legend i just want to have fun that all.. its kinda like that movie the bird watcher lolz i dont want to skip out on life.. but i will walk you threw one of my last rounds..Be carefull what you wish for..!!!! it might just happend but it wont be what you expected.. alway wish for it with a good outcome :) im shot out last roundphotos-of-boxers-before-and-after-fights-show-how-brutal-the-sport-can-be.jpg


Well-Known Member
attch didnt work, you know anything about cannaventure? i grabbed their cookies and am thinking i got screwed here lol i knew i should went thru this other breeder to pheno hunt...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i dont have time to play FIRST lolz 001.jpghear is the master platnium og or oboma og lolz im sorry but its true..and i crossed it with xxx plantnuim male..270A0208.jpgi have had her for about 4 years mabe.. or 5 i could be wrong.. i have ran her a few times but she doesnt yield as you can compare the leaves im woundering what the bud might turn out to look like i got the black cherry coke cross to refrence i know why they got the xxx plantuim male he is a reals stud.. as an ex club owner and a grower for clinics i know what to keep and have kept alot of strain because i know what will keep me alive and what would let me down.. as a newbie at the breeding i have the insight on both sides the consumer and the grower thats what i wanted but i will be hanging up the gloves this round if i get food phenoes i will just give them out..voltron 001.jpgthis pic hear doent resemble the black cherry coke. xxx platnuim did this the only thing it did was leave the smell and the high of the black cherry coke fucken a thats why i have kept the male.. and that black cherry coke was a sorry yielder but fuck man look at what its doing to everthing supper sizzing it.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
as you can tell my second pic is nicer it because of the aroe i have all seeds in coco just incase they herm i can pull them out of the room and destroy them in areo they would just lock up roots and i would do more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
yea i learned the hard way about the roots tangling up, i ended up just cutting the pant down to a tiny ass nub with one lil shoot lol