ima finish this run meaning this round, ill finish it out but i wont have time to breed anything anymore, my job is to see the grow threw and that means my total atention for edison to come out and put a pole in that mean some serious growing i wont have time for trial and error, herms!!!! if any, i will just get packs of new genetics and genetics like harbor side and a few so cal breaders not the company so cal!! i nevor ran anything from them but real people real slick genetics that no one ever gets to see ill try my best to land those!!! but for edison that mean the electrical company that handles electricity, for them to come and put a pole you know its gona be a growers wet dream for me it look like a lot of work.. double doors , humidity issues, water drums big comercial drums light set ups, hvac, studing strains for herms canopy control neting i got a few inventions i wanted to bring out for cases like these like quick rack poles with hooks for nets chairs wheeling so you dont have to be standing or kneeling, dehumidifiers with a ducting atachment so you dont get the back lash of the heat out the back same with water chillers if you make them i want a cut lolz if i know humans the way i do i dought ill ever see a fucken molecule

lolz, but im shure its gona be crazzy. like construction for shure.. thanks thow pm me ill give you seed for free once this is over. thats why im gona need a vaction im bumed out a friend leaked out genetics ones that took me for ever to get ahold of just incase something happend i needed that security i could get my shit back.. lolz humans trip me out for reals thanks guys!!! for the support.