New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal


Well-Known Member
Um, I'll take a cut of both, lol. I'm about to veg up a Goji to go against my Pink Lemonade, but I hear everyone is going for the Goji over everything. And don't worry, me, you, and everyone else on RIU is having trouble with with uploading pics.

Is that you in the Nike's? You better wash those things up, they look beat!

...And hurray for 200 dollars of wine for free, I'm feeling fuckin' fine!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
lolz no i dont own any nikeys thats the help they wearing the old close cuz its time to clean the aroe gee.. its wet and messy bring the old cloths... lolz that coupon that seas im the best breader in the valley thats not true, i happy they think so but thats not true, im very flaterd.. we made a mendz and they are returning a elite gem the sugar og.... elite and people wounder how i do this. thats in return for the realease of the pink lemonade that shouldnt have spread.. so i took it as a breaking point backed by a california real medical clinic awwwwww... the irony is im lagit.. but nothing in life is certain lets see what happends..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i do love genetics and goji is a good comodity in my book.. good job!!!!! and i dedicate this song to bodhi [video=youtube_share;liZm1im2erU][/video]i love bad ass genetics..

thump easy

Well-Known Member
we are maken bread gee lolz.. just kidding im trying to figure out how to make crosses some of the best genetics out thier turned me down to a promise of a clinical discount for volume seeds.. so i desided to figure it out and well hear we are thus far.


Well-Known Member
2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233 THE BLUE PRINT!!!! the code for life..
The fibonacci-sequence! you should look up a song by the band Tool they wrote a song in time signatures that follow the Fibonacci Sequence. Its called Lateralus

O, and I'm testing Bodhi's Goji F3 X Napoli OG. The Goji is fire fire fire .

Hey thump when we linking up bro?

Hear is some outdoor Goji Cooter from the depot.

Goji Outdoor Hawaii
Here's some pic's of my Goji grow....the plants were as advertised, biggest, thickest "OG" plant that I've grown to date. Smelled great, smoke report will follow.


thump easy

Well-Known Member
not much just doing the dang thing sorry guys yes we will meet up soon and nothing but this[video=youtube_share;M94yyfWy-KI][/video]

thump easy

Well-Known Member
no monster cookies is a cut from up north again i met with justin!!! from stockton california not my creation at all... its real thow im running it this round see what happends after my vacation set for the 19 im gona be gone for a month or two

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well Jozikins the cut im running was tripple platnuim x gsc... that other cut looks like big bud lolz the orange hairs their is a few people with the cut but you now that the liquid penutbuter og looks just like the liquid coke og...