before i split i sent you some of these i also gave billy a few this first one is quang og x sour jack male fucken bomb im not shure if this was in thier big tiger striped the lil light ones became this they smell like buble gum they are the some kind of thia to a fire og x candy land the other two so if you got those lil white seeds that what it was... remember this is not my grow this is billies im realy digging the quang to sour jack smells fucken crazzy good..and he is under 600 watts man im gona crack all the seeds i made take cuts and run them all this round..

these under this quang 0g to the sour jack heror are the lil white seeds kinda wimpy but the flower smells crazzy good too

thats were billies grows ends this is what the moms looks like.. i grew these

cell phone pick boost mobile lolz but thats the moms im like its ok still drying this is billy and his sour dub from pogenetics and jack heror male

and this is the quang og

we are caning the thia fire og to the candy land keeping the quang og to the sour jack herror.. reveging and busting clones for shure .....the quang seems to be stable in alot of crosses im gona start to use her the long beach legend died liquid coke og but this is supost to be its linage of it man i wish it was still around it put alot of ogees to shame....