New Bagseed Grow. CFL'S


Well-Known Member
No not at all. The more people the better. If you want i can take some pics tonight. Im not gonna bother to do it tonight unless someones gonna look at them.? Do you have a grow log or anything?


Well-Known Member
Wow, im a dumbass. I forget to say . I started flowering this weekend. Yesterday night to be exact. Im almost 100% sure its a Female. The preflowers look pretty Unmistakeable.


Well-Known Member
Lol, i looked at it. and i can say is Wow.... Lmao. good job though. Well, here the Pics. The plant is a bit droopy Because of the transplant this afternoon. i expect it will pic up when the lights come back on in the morning.


Well-Known Member
And Yes, thanx for all the Advice everyone. You all got me to the point that i can figure shit out on my own. Ive learned a shitload from everyone. But. i just started Flowering. So, i'll most likley have many more questions. So Stick around. ;P


Well-Known Member
No, they werent thirsty. They had just been watered a few hours previous. Ther all better today though. And being in 12/12 is promoting Upward growth alot. I love it.


Well-Known Member
ah yes, always takes time for things to change... even water :)

yeah, things change a LOT in flower! the veg stage depresses me sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Wow. like witdh wise. Now that im in flowering Im runnins out of room quick... Im not sure what im gonna do.


Well-Known Member
Ok well, Good news, I scrapped my old Dresser. And am now using a whole half of my closet. This is much eaiser to work with. And i now have plenty of room. Im 3 days into flowering Heres some Pics for you guys!!! Can you guys tell me when it will start to show white hairs. It isnt showing anything yet. But the preflowers look Female to me. Someone told me it takes about a week for the hairs to start to come out? does this sound right?



Well-Known Member
I've found that females take anywhere from 8-20 days. Depends on strain as well. Rule of thumb though, if it's taking awhile to show signs, most likely female - at least in my book.


Well-Known Member
Alright, well thats good to know. Im havin alot of trouble with my lights now that i changed into my Closet. I cant seem to get them just like i want them. And also, how much do u think I might yeild with just CFL's? Still for 3 23 watts and 1 40 watt. Any Idea?, i searched it up on Here, and couldnt find any Yeild pics or anything.


Well-Known Member
How much you will yield depends on lots of things.


PH, nutes, strain, lights, and stress.

Treat them well and give them plenty of light and food - DON'T STRESS THEM! Follow all that and that will leave you with a good yield.


Well-Known Member
If you can, try and get a few more CFL's. This will increase the density to your buds, make them nice and fat. Not saying you will get that with what you have, but more light is always better.


Well-Known Member
light, water and genetics make the biggest differences in yield, i think... more CFL's!


Well-Known Member
Yah, i think im buying 2 floro tubes 40 watts each, Already set up with its own metal reflectors and everything. There like 6 feet long. And im also gonna buy another 40 watt regular CFL to replace the other 23 watt one I got in a clamp reflector.