New BC Blondes GCI 680 (2.6/1740+ppf)

Day 11 update on the 4x8

Lots of new growth, time to prune again, probably do it tomorrow or the next day.
Bit of a thrip issue, but easily eradicated with a spray yesterday and another after I prune again.

I also watered today with 1150 PPM at 6.6ph. Run off was 1200 @ 6.2, pretty much perfect.

I also did a quick vid demonstrating the leaf temps.

day 15 of flower, already 2 prunes done. Blows my mind that people either don't defoliate or only do it once. If you don't defoliate you must hate your trimmers lol.

Absolutely no 'deficiencys'. Usually deficiency's are really either under fed or over fed, or over light or under light. Keep an eye on your run off and you'll always have a green canopy.

Fed them yesterday with 1200ppm fertilizer @ 6.6ph

I will be staking each and every plant today so its ready for weight. Now the fun begins.


Day 19 of 12/12

Looking green and perky

Adjusted all panels to 50% until they are more mature, they are closer to the light and intensity needed to be adjusted.

day 21 of 12/12 update

Fed at 1250 ppm and 6.4 ph, run off was 1480 and 6.1ph. bang on where I want it.

Almost time to prune again, plants are starting to crowd each other again.

Totally green canopy, if you feed properly and check your run off you wont get 'led deficiencies'.

IMG_2665.jpg IMG_2664.jpg

I should probably add the RH is at 75% and temp is at 29C and co2 is at 1500ppm.

I recently switched from a co2 burner to bottled co2. I was totally against bottled co2 for along time, but now that ive switched ive seen the advantages. Combining leds with bottled co2 makes hitting VPD waaay easier. My rooms feel like a green house now due to the higher RH.
Hey guys I wanted to introduce my new light.

BC Blondes 680 Game Changer Initiator (BCB 680 GCI)

Actual watts at wall 230v: 680
Actual Watts at wall 115v: 700
PPF/watt: 2.6 (estimate)
Total PPF: 1740+ (estimate until sent for testing)
Spectrum: 3000k + 4000k + 660nm
Dimming levels: 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%
Pre Order Price: $1249 Canadian or approx. $929 USD (free shipping in Canada/usa)
Regular Price: $1349
Electrical certification: ETL
Available: Shipping August 26th
After august 25th, price goes back to $1349

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If I had the money I’d buy em
Took these down about 3 weeks ago, health hasnt been great so been layin low. (auto immune flare up) Bouncing back now though.

3 week veg, 29 plants, 4x8, 2 BC blondes 680 watt Game Changers, tiered table, 5.16 pounds, 2.5 pounds per light, 2.5 pounds per 4x4, avg 81 grams a plant. This is what 1735 ppf on a 4x4 does. Not a perfect run though, was using too much co2 in the beginning.

Took these down about 3 weeks ago, health hasnt been great so been layin low. (auto immune flare up) Bouncing back now though.

3 week veg, 29 plants, 4x8, 2 BC blondes 680 watt Game Changers, tiered table, 5.16 pounds, 2.5 pounds per light, 2.5 pounds per 4x4, avg 81 grams a plant. This is what 1735 ppf on a 4x4 does. Not a perfect run though, was using too much co2 in the beginning.

What strain or strains?
its only been about 1 week since I pruned these plants, they are already filling back in. Probably prune them again in about a week.

week 2 of flower brings 1150 ppm feed, everything else stays the same. The plants are slowly receiving more ppf as they grow taller.

At around 21 days will turn all panels to 75% and at 4-5 weeks will turn it up to 100%. At about 3 weeks the tallest plants will be within about 12-18 inches of the light.

nice big fat leaves and seeing growth every day. although Seeing a bit of droop as this was taken right before lights off.

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I bought a light from you, and just started getting that droop at the end of a cycle. What do you attribute that to?
I bought a light from you, and just started getting that droop at the end of a cycle. What do you attribute that to?
Plants might droop towards the end of the cycle cause they are shutting down for the night. If its for a long time before lights out it could be youre giving them too much light.
Im not a sure of this light but i think you might be right. These boards are similar to the Fotop boards we use and at that wattage id go no lower than sixteen inches. But if you can keep them happy at these lightlevels you could be fine. Check for bleaching, deficiencies, purple stems and general plant expressions of not quite happy in the middle part of the grow where the light is strongest and evaluate.