new beans came friday need info on strains


got my new strains are as follows 10 f1 seeds per pack god budd from jordan of the islands 10 f1 gods poison jordan of the islands & 10 f1 rockstar kush med man. if anyone has any info do,s and dont,s with these strains it would be greatly appr! will figure out journal and post updates on these. have done god budd out door 2 years ago now doing indoor in rockwool. really need info on rockstar kush from med man the most. thanks in advance for everyones help great site keep it up rollitup.


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to be a dick but wouldn't one research the seeds before they get them in the mail ?

That is how I learned that a lot of these strains we buy off the net don't actually have much info or journals on them. Unfortunately there just isn't enough people taking notes on their grows. Good luck, F1's are fast growing plants but you might get a ton of different phenos.


Well-Known Member
Just email thadeous(medman) from his site and he will reply within a few minutes with whatever you want to know.


Well-Known Member
I'd be curious about Med Man's gear. I don't like the sound of any of his crosses, but they could have good commercial appeal I guess given most people want Kush something. I would be interested to see how they turn out anyway. Esp after following his drama on ICmag a bit.


not to be a dick but i reserched the two strains i orderd. already raised god budd but there is always somthing someone might know better. gods poison not much info out there but i like to experiment with new strains. never know might be best plant ever. you would never know if you dont try it. rockstar kush came as freebe thats y im asking about it cant find much reserch on it. i do have large number of strains under my belt but no matter who you are there is always some one with more knowlage. thats y i asked the community. also i order f1 seeds so i have lots of pheno so i can pick my fav for moms. thanks for your help i think.


Well-Known Member
:peace:bongsmilie *passes it over to budskey*

No hard feelings brother, I really hope you get a winner with the gods bud or the poison. So much advertising and not enough journals in this world (please journal your experience so that the next person with those strains will have some common knowledge)