New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

I cant see this going well for them politically. No one will forget they gutted a law put forth by citizens.
You aren't their constituency. The highest bidders are.

This is why Bernie Sanders' campaign platform of outlawing corporate money in politics was a genius move.
I don't understand what the problem is. One ounce on you. Up to 5g of concentrates. Max 12 plants in your home. No more than 10oz.
If you produce more than you run the risk of getting in trouble. this shit has literally given me a headache.
They will not have a problem when this super grow warehouse comes to the state though and pays fucking taxes and starts selling the shit looking like kids fruity loops at everyone of their privately funded fucking shops. I'm disgusted I don't even smoke the shit but I know plenty who do and eat edibles or put it in their drinks to help them through each day for whichever reasons they choose.
I don't understand what the problem is. One ounce on you. Up to 5g of concentrates. Max 12 plants in your home. No more than 10oz.
If you produce more than you run the risk of getting in trouble. this shit has literally given me a headache.
The Senator is trying to change this to 3 plants in flower 3 in veg. 2 ounces in the home if I remember correct.
Still more than enough to keep me happy. I have never run into a situation where i needed a 10 oz stockpile. Just glad not to worry about an arrest for a roach or whatever anymore.
This is copypasta:

Senator Lewis' bills:

Bill SD.1818 - An act relative to the regulatory authority for oversight of the recreational marijuana industry

Bill SD.1820 - An act strengthening local control over recreational marijuana businesses

Bill SD.1821 - An act further regulating the manufacture and sale of certain commercial marijuana products

Bill SD.1823 - An act further regulating marijuana commercialization

Bill SD.1824 - An act relative to the public safety risk of marijuana-impaired drivers

Bill SD.1826 - An Act relative to safe limits on home growing of marijuana (This bill limits the number of plants you can grow, and limits home possession. This one is particularly egregious in my humble opinion).

Bill SD.1827 - An act relative to penalties for underage possession and use of marijuana tobacco and alcohol

Bill SD.1829 - An act relative to youth marijuana use prevention and education

Bill SD.1830 - An act relative to marijuana research, data collection, and best practices

Bill SD.1833 - An act relative to marijuana potency

Bill SD.1835 - An act relative to hemp

Bill SD.1836 - An act relative to the expungement of convictions for marijuana possession (I personally think that this is actually a good idea).

Bill SD.1838 - An act relative to energy efficient marijuana cultivation

Bill SD.1842 - An act relative to marijuana product packaging and labeling

Patrick O'Connor's bills:

Bill SD.1730 - An act relative to municipal control over recreational marijuana

Bill SD.1711 - An act relative to the marketing and visibility of recreational marijuana

Bill SD.1725 - An act relative to the diversity of the cannabis control commission

Harriett Chandler's bills:

Bill SD.972 - Change the legal purchase age of marijuana to 25

William Brownsberger's bills:

Bill SD.791 - An act relative to the use and legal effects of marijuana

Ryan Fattman's bills:

Bill SD.1547 - An act relative to edible marijuana products

Source and works cited:
Do u grow with cobs or hps @ttystikk
I started out with really old used 400W MH in bell reflectors, the kind of lights seen in gyms and such.

I upgraded to HPS on magnetic ballasts, then later got digitals for them.

Then I discovered 860W CDM lights (big brother to 315W CMH) and ran them on those same magnetic ballasts.

About a year ago, I took delivery of a bunch of water cooled COB LED modules of my own design and I've been running these ever since.

In the last few weeks I just got a bunch of 250W Razor bars from HLG, with which I'll retire my remaining HID lights.

Finally, I have a pair of very early prototype quantum fixtures with 4 boards each, running 'wall washer' lenses that throw light from overhead onto an adjacent vertical surface. After a design iteration, I'll be getting more of these.
Still more than enough to keep me happy. I have never run into a situation where i needed a 10 oz stockpile. Just glad not to worry about an arrest for a roach or whatever anymore.
I'll go through a half lb between cycles, about a Z a week, plus some for concentrates. Not to mention what I give away to friends.. With a typical 8-9 week flower period, plus dry and cure time, 10zs wouldn't last me a cycle. So I either have to keep more on hand, or grow twice the number of plants ands run cycles and have double the harvests. Why should they dictate how I produce what I use?

When they start putting limits on alcohol, cigarettes ands prescription meds, then maybe I'll think about following the law.
I'll go through a half lb between cycles, about a Z a week, plus some for concentrates. Not to mention what I give away to friends.. With a typical 8-9 week flower period, plus dry and cure time, 10zs wouldn't last me a cycle. So I either have to keep more on hand, or grow twice the number of plants ands run cycles and have double the harvests. Why should they dictate how I produce what I use?

When they start putting limits on alcohol, cigarettes ands prescription meds, then maybe I'll think about following the law.
Well now you would be limited to 2 Oz per household. You would instantly be violating the 2 Oz limit weeks before harvest, and that's with a single plant.

No concentrates or even Kiefe allowed either.

And nobody under 25, recriminalizing a new generation.

These laws essentially ban home grows and completely gut the new law.

We already had an ounce under decriminilization. Woo hoo, now we have 2.

I'm a life long dem, but they are going to lose the statehouse with this crap.
Its all Dems that are trying to strip the will of the people. The nannystate here in Ma continues.
Specifically, the bill below is worded in a way that wet plant weight, including leaves, and not just marijuana that came from plants, is included in your 2 oz limit. Even if you generously add punctuation and make assumptions that this is finished dry weight, it would still be impossible to not violate the law with a single plant. But the wording would allow you to be prosecuted for a plant on a stem.

If this bill passes, there is no way I could legally grow a single plant at home and stay within the limits; even flipping a plant from veg to flower in week 1 would exceed the 2 oz limit at harvest. I would have no choice but to fold up my tent and stop growing.

And I know they know this.

These aren't democrats. They aren't progressives. These are conservatives who knew the only way they could get into office was with a d next to their name. Out you go.

Bill SD.1826
SECTION 1. Section 7 of chapter 94G of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking subsection (2) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-

(2) within the person’s primary residence, possessing up to 2 ounces of marijuana and any marijuana produced by marijuana plants cultivated on the premises and possessing, cultivating or processing not more than 6 marijuana plants per residence, no more than 3 of which may be mature, flowering plants.

(i) A municipal government may enact and enforce reasonable by-laws or ordinances to regulate the home cultivation of marijuana to ensure such home cultivation does not exceed legal limits and does not negatively impact public health or safety.

(ii) In conjunction with the department of agricultural resources, the department of environmental protection, the department of public health, and the executive office of public safety and security, the commission shall publish guidelines on the safe cultivation of marijuana on personal property.
looking good. You must have those things in miracle grow... ;)

I'm about to transplant mine. Time for their big girl pants.

She has gotten so big!!!!....a little happy frog, a little roots organics, and a little ancient forest :-)

we are about on the same schedule :-) Here she is today, when should I re-pot, put her in her bigger CONDO? we are on day 9 since she broke soil 11 since seed was germinated. should I continue same soils in the large 5 gallon smart pot she is going into? Is happy frog ok for this stage in life, or should I just go roots organix all the way? got my fox farms nutrients in the mail yesterday! (i think i am going to hold off on the super soil method till my next grow)


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Still more than enough to keep me happy. I have never run into a situation where i needed a 10 oz stockpile. Just glad not to worry about an arrest for a roach or whatever anymore.
Get ready for a full on assfucking if they catch you with it in your car, bro.

The police state still needs its victims from whom they can extract their blood money.