New booty in search for tips.


Well-Known Member
Day 24 and the the plants are doing ok, but still really small. Even the biggest one is only 6 inches tall. They look really healthy and they are starting to smell great. Since I ordered a 3x3x6 tent, I will transfer these plants into that tent, and keep this set up with the seedling light for the 3 seeds (master yoda autos) I have. I’ll most likely have a very small yield from these, if they even flower, but i’m hoping in a month, by the time the master yodas are this old, I’ll have much much nicer plants, now that I’m learning more.
I started to LST the bigger two plants since one is already on its 7th node and the other one on its 5th. I will only do this for a week or two until they show signs of flowering.



Well-Known Member
Fed them today and added in some vegan compost tea, and they seem to like it! The second biggest plant did not like to be tucked into the bag handle, it started to droop right away. I took her out and she recovered fully overnight in the tent. I know tied them down with some twist-ties. The large plant did not mind the LST and is getting big! there are finally some small pistils developing. I’ll be turning on the bloom switch in a week or two.



Well-Known Member
Day 27 since sprout and these Autos have started flowering. The biggest plant has the most noticeable pistils by the top node and is starting to shoot out more. I am LST all of them, and the smallest plant really hasn’t showed any more signs of being too stressed out.

Eventhough these plants are small due to me stunting them by transplanting them 3 times and fiddling with them too much during their early grow stages, I hope to still get something decent for my first grow.

I also popped my 3 last auto seeds before I go into Photos next, these are some Master Yodas that I heard are super bomb, so I hope that by the time i’m harvesting these Money Makers, the Master Yodas will be nice healthy big plants midway through their flower cycle. :)



Well-Known Member
LST is working great on two of the plants. The runt is really just struggling to grow at all. I don’t think she was meant to make it from the begining. She took the transplants the worse and seemed to almost damp-off from being in the dome for a few days after sprout.

