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Can seeds over ripen

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Hi there guys an gals, my question here is simple has any one heard of or experienced seeds ripening to much?


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dry for 2 to 3 months in a cool dark space before planting
Wow really why so long. Well if I'm going to store them that long do they need to vent loaded the entire time, sealed tight, burped. Would a jar with a piece of card board in it be a good idea or no.


Well-Known Member
Use rice or a desiccant silica gel or any other molecular sieves . Remove any and all foreign material to stave off any sort or disease. Typically seeds are fertile as soon as the drop. Although I do believe in the drying method and recommend it. The dry environment prevents the hormones from depleting assuring the most viable specimen. Only mature seeds should be kept. Organic seeds are boasted as being the most fertile with the highest germination rate. This seems to hold true at least to me . Although I cannot provide scientific/evidence data to confirm. These are just my opinions and my interpretations of thus said data could be flawed and my statements erroneous but I believe them to be true. Other opinions are welcome and cherished..



Active Member
At some point the seeds stop developing, I've pollinated too late twice and the seeds stayed cream colored for months.
Wow really why so long. Well if I'm going to store them that long do they need to vent loaded the entire time, sealed tight, burped.
30 days is a must in my experience, and don't air lock them until they dry because my first breeding got mold and ruined most of the seeds.


Well-Known Member
you can crack em at 3 weeks with decent germ ratio, but 2-3 months is better from what i've read. i dry 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
gotta find what works for your grow op but generally speaking youll get about a 50% germ rate (my own experiences) using fully mature seed straight out of the plant and by that i mean seeds are dried and cured with the bud, about 80% if you wait 2 weeks and 90-100% if you wait a month (ive tried putting them in the freezer for a few weeks thishelps with germ rates as well as long as you defrost them properly. hope that helps. :)
and until your ready to crack those beans light, warmth and moisture are your enemies.

Ok sweet, do you guys happen to have any info on drying the seeds, any special care/methods (dry place, pitch dark, ect)
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Well-Known Member
Bf80255 is spot on ...4to5weeks you should be good..put you can pop them after 1week if you want but the germ rate won't be as good...scarecrow77