New butane cans WTF


Active Member
I have been using stok gas for extractions for awhile but I just picked up a few cans that have a wierd plastic nozzle on it that prevents butane from flowing directly into an extraction tube. The nozzle seems to shoot butane out the side rather than directly through the tip as normal. Got 2 cans like this & the idiot at the headshop had no clue...she said it's exactly the same just a new can. Ended up buying some power 7x but is this a new trend? Butane cans that can only be used to fill a torch- not extract BHO. Anybody seen these?
odd.... usually they are all standard straight shot, with half dozen adapters to nozzles like the one you describe....

Meh... I tend to use Power as well... just for cost...
Ok guess I'll have to prove it to ya with some pics. It is possible it's defective cans. If that's the case I got 2 that are identically the same defect. When you use it to fill up a torch it works fine until there's back pressure from a filled tank- then the butane releases from out the sides. But if constant downward pressure is applied- as of you were pushing the gas through an end nozzle into an extraction tube- it just bypasses the tip & spits butane out the side of the nozzle underneath the sealed ferrule. Doesn't seem defective - seems like it's designed that way.

I was reading some time ago (no idea where I saw this either) how some gas manufacturers in the US had succomed to pressure by regulators by quietly introducing new style cans that cannot easily be used for extraction. Hoping this is not something that would become popular & was thinking it would simply force many to use inferior grade gas from more questionable sources.
Ok guess I'll have to prove it to ya with some pics. It is possible it's defective cans. If that's the case I got 2 that are identically the same defect. When you use it to fill up a torch it works fine until there's back pressure from a filled tank- then the butane releases from out the sides. But if constant downward pressure is applied- as of you were pushing the gas through an end nozzle into an extraction tube- it just bypasses the tip & spits butane out the side of the nozzle underneath the sealed ferrule. Doesn't seem defective - seems like it's designed that way.

I was reading some time ago (no idea where I saw this either) how some gas manufacturers in the US had succomed to pressure by regulators by quietly introducing new style cans that cannot easily be used for extraction. Hoping this is not something that would become popular & was thinking it would simply force many to use inferior grade gas from more questionable sources.
Doesn't sound like a great sales idea but you might be right. I never have seen this so maybe it is just that one company?
See? That's why I posted this here...what the hell is that there thing snaps & where can I get one? Never heard of a can tap
ebay, bestvaluevac, amazon.

It punctures the can and allows you to insert gas usually into a tank or through lines/adapters into a tube.

Still want to see those pics!
I should probably explain that the stok cans I bought with the plastic nozzle work like shit for extractions but the regular metal one in the other pic works fine. I was just wondering if stok gas is no longer an option or if I just got some fuckedupass cans
Its not a great picture of the filler, looks like it has a blow off type hole for pressure?

Also looks like the one your asking about has a different type of can then the one that works in the picture.

Maybe those cans were meant for another country?
Use a can tap with a fill adapter threaded on the flare

View attachment 3330378
View attachment 3330380

Just FYI ya'll, when using a can tap, it scrapes off paint from the outside of the can and deposits it into the butane stream.

We always vacuum distill canned butane, so the paint ends up in the MO, but those shooting directly, will be relying on their columns of material and filters to take it out.

Should work, but could contribute some unwanted components as the butane flows through it.
No that's a crimp- I used to make these type of ferrules ( that's what they are called btw) at my old job as a tool & die maker before it was shipped off to china-my old job that is

Anyway these are the new American made cans for stok- no idea what was wrong with the old design except they use a plastic nozzle now instead of metal like the one pictured in my post. I thought I read somewhere there were new cans being designed to thwart home BHO makers & thought maybe these were them as they will not spray a column- works fine to fill my torch & bought some Newport to replace it so no big I guess but stok is no longer a gas I will use for extracting. Coicidentally just ordered some dry sifting screens to try my hand at some solvent less concentrate
Yes that's correct- the tane shoots from the tip of the nozzle when pushed into a port to fill your torch but when you try to shoot a tube the butane shoots from around the base of the nozzle onto your hands & everything else- it's defiantly designed this way