Sure thing, I'll see if I can give a good description here, lol.
it's a very basic ebb and flow. I bought two Rubbermaid totes, both the same size. I ordered some hydroponic compression adapters, cut some holes and tighten them down. they come with rubber grommets, but I used some fish aquarium epoxy as well for safe measure. Since my reservoir is directly under it any small drips just leak down to it. I installed two inlets, and one in the middle for the flood level. I also installed a large overflow in the top side just in case the flood drain clogs. I've never had an issue these last go rounds... But in the past I've overflowed the tote because the flood drain couldn't keep up, or it became clogged.
I'm using a mix of hydroton and lava rocks for my medium. But in the future it'll just be lava rocks. It's so cheap, and readily available. I'll just buy a new bag for each grow, the bag is like 6 bucks, and is plenty to fill my tote.
For the reservoir, I just cut a couple holes in the lid for the above plumbing to drop down into. I picked up a mediumish pond pump, like 30 bucks from the hardware store. I used a fish aquarium air pump, with the longest air stone they had, I think it's 12" long. I also plumbed in couple manual valves, So when it comes time to change the reservoir, I just turn one off, open the other, stick the tube in a 5gal bucket, and let my pump empty it out.
It's a 10 gallon tote, so I usually get 8-9 gallons in it. I probably have to fill up every 3-5 days depending on the stage of growth. To fill up I just use another small pond pump, and pump out of a 5 gal bucket. Then I measure how much fresh water I added, And add the according amount of fertilizer. I'm using the dyna gro line, and I just follow their recirculating schedule per their website.
I use a cheap PPM pen, and it's pretty easy to tell when you've gone too far. If the ppms go up by the next day, I add some fresh water. If they go down, then I know I can up my ratio at the next fill up. If its about the same, I keep my ratios the same. And as I mentioned previously, if I'm having pH problems, it's time for a fresh batch of water. It's either old, or I jacked up the fert ratio.
I'm fortunate to have good tap water, I do absolutely nothing to it, If its a complete reservoir change, I have to pH down a little at first. But after that, adding back fresh tap water brings it up. I Also don't worry too much about keeping pH exact. I set it to 5.8. I won't mess with it at all until it drops below 5.2. Sometimes I'll up the pH to 6.2ish to keep it up higher, longer, I'm usually doing this to prolong a reservoir change.
I think my resv Temps are a little on the high side. I throw in frozen water bottles at the beginning of the light cycle... I should really be doing it every day, but.... I'm lazy, soooooo, some days I do, somedays I don't. That's my next project, a water chiller of sorts. I've read about a diy method using a heatsink and fan, but the name has left me at the moment... I'll have to re-research it lol.
I hope that made sense.

it's really pretty easy to maintain, some days I do virtually nothing, and others only 15-20 minutes.
Edit; I flood every other hour for 5 min, and only during the light cycle. I've done various other schedules... Sometimes less often for longer... Some days I'll manually flood it once, and let it dry out a day. But if water does don't regularly flow thru the tubes, roots start growing into the inlet tube, clogging flow.