New CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
About 3 weeks into flowering, ive been reading alot about removing some fan leaves so light for shine to the lower buds, so i did. There was no growth for 2 days, then when i checked the 3rd day, they got much bigger! still no where near done but still looking nice! let me know what you think, and if there are anything i can do to get fatter nugs, besides getting an hps lol



Active Member
About 3 weeks into flowering, ive been reading alot about removing some fan leaves so light for shine to the lower buds, so i did. There was no growth for 2 days, then when i checked the 3rd day, they got much bigger! still no where near done but still looking nice! let me know what you think, and if there are anything i can do to get fatter nugs, besides getting an hps lol
While I am a firm believer in letting the plant grow naturally as much as possible I also have heard that removing fan leaves can have beneficial results. I have never personally tried it because I think this puts more stress on your plants. Everything is looking really good though!

One thing to remember is that you should be focused on your upper growth as much as possible in getting it monstrous rather than concerning yourself with lower growth which will never (I repeat) never be as big as your upper growth. It's impossible due to the auxins and marijuana plant's apical tip. Most of the growth hormones will be pushed to the top of the plant regardless of light. This is why in training you commonly see all the training methods sharing the same basic principle: create more upper growth sites. Whether that is tying the plant down (LST) so that all the tips of the plant can become upper growth sites, or topping the plant so you increase the number of upper growth sites, or using SCROG which makes your canopy plant so EVERY growth site is upper growth. As you are getting the picture this is because marijuana naturally pushes all of its growing power towards its highest point. Removing fan leafs to increase the amount of light to your lower growth sites, in my opinion, is almost counter-productive. If your lighting is appropriate your lower growth sites will get as much light as they need, and if you chop too many fan leafs you add stress to the plant which can stunt growth for a couple days (as you've noticed) while it repairs itself and gets back to normal. You will commonly see this with training as well as the plant readjusts its hormones and repairs itself.

Great pictures bro. Really enjoying this.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all your advice bro! i see what your saying, going back i think i would have just bought another CFL and put it on the side, but w/e thanks for the support!


Active Member
thanks for all your advice bro! i see what your saying, going back i think i would have just bought another CFL and put it on the side, but w/e thanks for the support!
That works too. I see a lot of people use those compact tubes mounted on the side and seems like it works really well. This is a great way to add extra light to your lower and side growth. One thing you don't want right now during flowering is stress. Stress your plant all you want during vegging. During flowering it's really critical that you let your plant do most of the work while providing it with a healthy environment (water, nutes, lighting, darkness, air, etc.)


Well-Known Member
is it to late for me to clone this plant? i have a humidity dome and i just bought clonex. so i hope i can if not it was only 11 bucks lol


Well-Known Member
i am going to be trying this monster cropping, i really hope it works and i dont fuck up my 1st grow. this will happen on wednesday. and will post pics accordingly, i will take about 10 clones, and put them in a SOG.


Well-Known Member
so today i took 10 clones for the lower branches of my baby. I cut at an angle and dipped the ends in clonex and placed them in a humidity dome. in the bottom trey i have PH'd water and a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny bit of nutes. I have a large air stone in the bottom as well. then i have another trey that sits on top of the air stone and looks like a screen so water and air can flow up and they clones can sit on top of it. I surrounded the clones in the growing medium to keep them in place. I have 2 26=100 watt CFL 6500K on them right now 24/0. Does this look like im doing this right? I believe once they root, i have to cut off 80% of the flower to give it the idea to veg. i have a total of 8 of those CFL lights and once i construct a new box the 2 will have to do.



Well-Known Member
clones are reachnig for the light after a day in the dome, im not goign to look for roots untill 5 more days, i feel like its best to leave them alone.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking gals you got going on there. I was just reading a thread last night about taking clones during the early stages of flowering and then revegging them for a bit. I forget the name of it tho I think it was "monster cropping". The results where extremly well branching. I mean when you looked at these plants from the side you could not see through them they had such a dense forest. Are you planning on revegging those clones or just keeping them on 12/12. Any ways every thing looks great. Looks like you have some extreme branching on your main girl going there. And also a nice amount of colas going on there. Keep up the good work brotha!!


Well-Known Member
im doing excatly what you are talking about with the monster cropping, so im revegging and putting the 10 clones in a SOG, the only problem ive heard is that there can be mold problems, so ill be buying a big fan to get alot of air inbetween the "forest" or weed. Thanks for the good words and support! +REP.


Well-Known Member
i alsop topped the plant 3 times lol i think thats why it has so many colas, and kept the plant surrounded by CFL's during veg


Well-Known Member
im doing excatly what you are talking about with the monster cropping, so im revegging and putting the 10 clones in a SOG, the only problem ive heard is that there can be mold problems, so ill be buying a big fan to get alot of air inbetween the "forest" or weed. Thanks for the good words and support! +REP.
No problem bro keep up the good work and the girls will treat you right. Any ways I just looked for that forum and found it. I dont know if you have already seen it but here it is . Keep it up


Well-Known Member
yeah thanks! some1 on page 5 hooked me up with that, thats where i got the idea from, tuning the humidity dome into a aeroponic cloning chamber, thats all me :)


Well-Known Member
Great read so far! I'm late to the party but really glad everything worked out with the problems on page 3! I was pretty much on the edge of my seat going through that!


Well-Known Member
thanks man im working hard to get sexy ladies with big tits and budz lol thanks for reading +rep