new clone from the club is drooping!


I picked up a clone from the club today, brought it home, put it under some cfls, and I went in to check on them after about 30 minutes and the plant was drooping and looked pretty bad. I didnt even do anything to to it and its dieing! can anybody help please??


Well-Known Member
throw it under a humidity dome quick!!
the grower must have not rooted out the cutting long enough
so the clone need the dome to hold moisure


Active Member
If the clone is rooted well they should not do that... as the others said get them in some humidity..... Someone picked clones up for me... put them in a paper bag.... I didn't pick them up until the next day... they were still perfect.... so get themsome humidity quick!


Well-Known Member
Poorly cloned or suspect mother.Put a clear container over it until it holds itself up.


Well-Known Member
You should post a pic! It's hard to say how fucked they are or
if their rooted or root bound either way just pop'em out of da cup
and check the roots if you don't see roots put'em a humidity dome
if you see a few roots transplants into whatever you wanna grow