New Cree 730nm xp-e emitter!!

The results for me using 2x 3W Epistar 730nm stars were clear: ~one inch of growth or more per day during week two through three/ partially week four. The plant went from like ~15 inches at the end of vegetation (~30 days) to ~46 inches by the end of budding and turned out beautifully (my best grow yet).

I chopped her down around day 53, as I had time constraints but she was well ready for it (blue widow). The flower initiator allowed me to run lights at 13/11, with the plant thinking it was 13/13 or 50/50 of day and night. The logic, which was passed down to me from @captainmorgan, was that the extra hour of light each day would result in a shorter budding phase, which I'd say held up in my case.

It doesn't take much 730nm to cover an area. I was using ~5W in a 3' x 1.8' tent.
They ('flower' initiators) actually reverse plant growth until all the stems and leaves are placed back into the shell of the seed, thus preserving the life of the plant.

I would still recommend the initiator for the pure thrill of watching your beloved plant experiencing the 'Benjamin Button' effect (Tinder, From Plant to Seed, 1974).
thanks for the straight answer
you like being rude to all newbs?
this is a big party of the problem in the community for me so much great stuff to learn and read and then you have people just handing out crap i didn't bump this thread to get jokes i was trying to spread some awareness to this great idea

But, lighten up is still good advice, right? That's what these guys keep telling me.
this is a big party of the problem in the community for me so much great stuff to learn and read and then you have people just handing out crap i didn't bump this thread to get jokes i was trying to spread some awareness to this great idea

Well, are you are party to the solution or a party with a problem?
But, lighten up is still good advice, right? That's what these guys keep telling me.
just consider for a moment i didn't know anything about it and he tells me "the Benjamin button effect" well then he just mislead me creating confusion and just all around rude i can understand if he wanted to be funny but this just comes off as deception to me....maybe i expect to much out of the people here i know some of you guys actually try and share
just consider for a moment i didn't know anything about it and he tells me "the Benjamin button effect" well then he just mislead me creating confusion and just all around rude i can understand if he wanted to be funny but this just comes off as deception to me....maybe i expect to much out of the people here i know some of you guys actually try and share

Well obviously you did or else you wouldn't have asked a question about it. Yeah, it was a little deceptive but some jokes are. I mean who in their right fucking mind would believe that a light reverts a plant back to a seed? You'd have to be a child to believe that shit, hence it being a valid joke.

I was hoping my sharing of experience with the 730nm LED stars would compensate for your let down but it looks like you're still pretty shook up about the joke.

just consider for a moment i didn't know anything about it and he tells me "the Benjamin button effect" well then he just mislead me creating confusion and just all around rude i can understand if he wanted to be funny but this just comes off as deception to me....maybe i expect to much out of the people here i know some of you guys actually try and share

I don't really see how that rare joke, could drive you deeper into confusion.

This is not a class, we are not teachers. This is a group of stoned people discussing a topic.

And always there is a little fun to be had, when we are stoned.. We are sharing and we will even spoon feed if you ask nicely.