New design! ! ! Do you like monster the energy drink?? Lol


alrighty germs/ladies i have a new grow design.

I was at work last night and i was refilling the monster display which keeps monster energy drinks ice cold. And as i was looking at it i got an idea and i think it could work and be a cool creation.

Well i think it has the right size to grow some nice herbs with a cool look.

Ok so the demensions of it are,

39 inches tall w/wheels & 36 inches without

16 inches wide

the inside bucket (if thats what it is called) is 18.5 inches deep

it has 2- 1 inch drain holes w/ a drainage nozzle

and clear lid

the hole display is plastic so making certain cuts to it is available, say for some in/out fans.

Even cutting or removing the lid for one or more lights

it has wheels so i could maybe move it to some sunlight once in a while with no problem.

Well its just an idea, i might try to work on it.

Check it out and give feedback thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
I think you might be on to something, especially if you go hydro in it. I thought about using one of those refrigerated display cases for a grow cab. Good luck, post pics if you do it.


Lol man i just reread what i typed...for some reason i think it looks odd how i typed it lol, ha i shouldnt have smoked before i started o man i love my lady called indica!!!!!!!!

But yeah man i think it will be a something really creative...i really think it could work and maybe grow say two plants.

If u were to build one how would you build it.........any ideas also anyone else out there???


Well-Known Member
I'd take like an 8 gallon pot, drill a hole for a net cup in the bottom, put it in the cooler upside down and fill it with nute solution and give Porcelain a call.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if you could grow two plants in there just because there isnt alot of room for them to get bushy, height shouldn't be a problem but you will run out of room for them to grow out.


New Member
Does it have little legs or pads of some sort on the bottom elevating off the floor any? Even if it didn't you could easily find some or fabricate something. I ask because I've always though it would be ace to make a "Wind-tunnel" like grow box. Being a man of the trade, I know that equalized static pressure means everything to ideal ventilation/cooling. Imagine a 30cfm fan mounted perfectly centered of the bottom as well as the top in a cylindrical slip-streamed container like you have. Could be Very Nice. I would think it would promote vigorous healthy plants from the constant exchange of O and the plant would get a workout and allow light to reach lower branches. This ideal is novel @ best but I like where your going with it!


Does it have little legs or pads of some sort on the bottom elevating off the floor any? Even if it didn't you could easily find some or fabricate something. I ask because I've always though it would be ace to make a "Wind-tunnel" like grow box. Being a man of the trade, I know that equalized static pressure means everything to ideal ventilation/cooling. Imagine a 30cfm fan mounted perfectly centered of the bottom as well as the top in a cylindrical slip-streamed container like you have. Could be Very Nice. I would think it would promote vigorous healthy plants from the constant exchange of O and the plant would get a workout and allow light to reach lower branches. This ideal is novel @ best but I like where your going with it!



New Member
As long as you had some flow area surrounding the plant it would work great. Id love to see it happen. I just made a garbage can grow last night with three junk 100w HPS lamps. Kinda ghetto but they have buds already!


As long as you had some flow area surrounding the plant it would work great. Id love to see it happen. I just made a garbage can grow last night with three junk 100w HPS lamps. Kinda ghetto but they have buds already!

im gonna draw up a sketch of how it might but hey at least its workin for