New diy aero 4x4 tent scrog project...What do you think??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so here i am bored as hell so im gonna post this a little early but heres what i got so far....
Theyre in water with airstones for now but im planning on upgrading to aero before flowering.
The larger of the 4 is King's kush and the other 2 are Sour Kosher and White Widdow.
They could be looking better but this isnt where i normally have been growing them.
Its hard to maneuver in there lol.I also just got my new pH meter in the mail today since i smashed the other one to pieces lol.
Anyways here they are...

I plan to order a 4x4 tent and carbon filter within the next couple of weeks.
In there i hope to grow 4 plants at a time under a screen, or SCRog as most would call it.
I want to keep the young plants small enough, long enough for me to get 2 clones of the KK to catch up enough to flower at the same time.
I drew up a lil MS paint drawing of what i intend to build.

All i need to complete the set up is the aero set up, carbon filter and the tent itself shouldnt be much more than $300
Ill post some pics of my last grow(Blue Dream) that was 5 gallon bubble bucket.
total harvest was 80g which wasnt bad for 15" plant.
I figure multiply that by 4 and reduce setbacks i had with the grow then well be talking serious harvests.

So let me know what you guys think about all this...accepting any and all feedback
Thanks for stopping by and the last pic i attach will be of whats yet to come. :leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:

Edit: There will be fans in the tent as well lol


Well-Known Member
ordered all the pvc joints and sprayers last night...pump should b here soon...ill i need is the pvc and some hose...gonna get that after the pump gets here for sizing

then pretty much good to start...they will finish, however, in a 4x4 mylar tent like i said


Well-Known Member
looks like a similar setup i've seen in a video.

You buying the tent or building? The one pic its hard to tell if you made that yourself or not :P

Looks good to me!


Well-Known Member
looks like a similar setup i've seen in a video.

You buying the tent or building? The one pic its hard to tell if you made that yourself or not :P

Looks good to me!
hey thanks for checkin it out man
Im going to buy a tent though my previous grow was in a closet that i had lined with reflective insulation.
I'm pretty much done building it I just have to go get RO water tomorrow and cut 2 clones from my larger plant.

Funny story as to why i ran out of water....the water pump in the house shit the bed so we were without running water for a day and a half....
luckily i always have a least 5g of purified RO on hand lol...

Anyways enough high rambling... i have some pics of what i have built so far...
total cost is roughly $50-60 including excluding net pots hydroton and seeds lol...
oh but also i bought a 35min cycle timer and ill b running about 45s on and 3-5 min off im assuming until i figure exactly how long i will have it off...
that was another $12 or so...

Again are the pix
i leak tested it earlier and all was good...i just need to drill a hole/holes for drainage.

Again thanks for stopping by and smoke on my brothers andsisters


Well-Known Member
some more updates as i wait for the silicone to dry...
test run totally went beautifully...
Pump is 350gph ebay pump and all the pvc is 1 inch....
would have been easier with smaller tubing but i was high when i ordered all the elbows online haha :eyesmoke:
the only thing im worried about(not super worried but you know..) are my sprayers too high?
i think they might be spraying the net pots themselves and im a little worried about mold issues...
but i think 40sec on 4-5 min off they should be ok?
f someone could let me know a little better if this is an issue or not i would be mucho grateful...
anyways i have it pretty much set up and tooks some pics of the leak test...
Again thanks in advance for stopping by and for feedback...grow on brethren :peace:
IMAG0072.jpgIMAG0071.jpg IMAG0070.jpg


Well-Known Member
again the plants that will be in this will be 1x White Widow 1x Silver Kosher and 2x Kings Kush Clones...
the WW and SK are about 2 weeks old...and i am going to cut clones tonight from my month old KK plant
tomorrow when the silicone i applied after the leak test is dry, i will be putting the SK and WW in the aero...
the clones will go in after they have rooted...
i need to pick up a few net pots as well tomorrow and ill update sometime tomorrow as well...


Well-Known Member
Lookin forward to seein it bro, thats a pretty tight idea with the 45 s on 3-5 off . Where do you find those timers?


Well-Known Member
Ohh and by the way if the sprayers are sitting like the look in your pic id say yes theyre too high. almost looks like its spraying the lid


Well-Known Member
Lookin forward to seein it bro, thats a pretty tight idea with the 45 s on 3-5 off . Where do you find those timers?
Thanks man....I got mine on eBay for like 15 bucks
search for a 35min cycle timer....he sells 45 min ones too that are closer to 1min per notch

Ohh and by the way if the sprayers are sitting like the look in your pic id say yes theyre too high. almost looks like its spraying the lid
Yeah they do spray the lid a bit :\ ...its gonna have to do for now tho until i can get another one of these buckets...
I didnt silicone the tubes yet...maybe i can rotate the 180's to have them shoot more towards the bottom of the bucket?
u think that would help?

and thanks again bro


Well-Known Member
well i have everything set up...
the timer times are a little different than advertised...
it runs about 30 seconds on which is still about 10 liters with the 320gph pump...
im also leaving them off longer than i planned to...
closer to 7-8 minutes probably...
this time around im only going to run the 3 plants...
1 kings kush about 4-5 weeks, topped..
And the 1 ww 1 sour kosher, about 3 weeks, that ive been pinching since they were little...
Feeding them about 450 ppm for now...
not sure when im going to flower them though, but ill judge when i set up the screen...
theyve been growing somewhat slow and odd because ive been more focused on their new home rather than the plants themselves lol...
but im sure theyll recover fine...
I also ordered my tent that should be here monday...
4'x4'x6'6" for $99...
has 3 8" vent holes 2 4" and i think 2 square vents...metal frame too
pretty sweet deal imo...
ill leave the link at the bottom...
ill put up some more pics when i get it and set it up...
this is what happens when one is too high for for a paragraph out of a bunch of shit i wanted to say lmao...
and on that bombshell, thanks for following if you are and goodnight.