New easy/efficient tek for making clear dome dry sift..


Oh, i'm sure it won't happen.. but it's worth a shot/looking into..

Even if I did.. and everyone started using it anyways.. do I think I could make people stop? Lol, no.. But if other manufacturers take my idea and market it themselves, it would help. That's probably about it though, heh..
Good thinking, definitely could help against other manufacturers blatantly ripping!

Re: Cannabis and patents. Yes, there are patents for cannabis & the related. US gov is a bit hypocritical, they have cannabis related patents themselves. I've also seen other cannabis related patents on the US patent website, particularly with solvent based extractions and edible type patents.


Well-Known Member
There are lots of cannabis patents... secrets, competitive advantage, secrecy and public domain as well as the novelty of the device you plan to patent..your gonna have to drop 20 grand for a tight utility patent and I personally don't see how that would be advantageous if you could even do secrets are only there if its not publicly known, which would be relatively easy once getting a hold of the product. Acquiring that tight of a utility patent if even possible is gonna be tricky and they disclose as much as they publish. Qualifying for either is going to be very tricky if not impossible and even with my limited knowledge I don't think you have any idea what your doing..imo novelty kills your patent and it will be easy to find out killing it as a trade secret..
Oh rawr touched that subject too
My 2 pennies


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have sift pictures? Doesn't seem like anybody even sifts these days, lol..


Anyone else have sift pictures? Doesn't seem like anybody even sifts these days, lol..
still need to purchase my screens! Bummed though because my friend stopped growing..there goes all my trim!

I've found with even just kief collection from my grinder, it seems that cold/dryness helps a great deal. MnH, do you think Sam Skunkman's process involves static electricity, natural or created?


I guess I should clarify, it seems that when it is very cold/dry out, there seems to be a ton of static electricity naturally created – Do you think this naturally occurring static electricity helps/is part of Skunkman's process? I can wait to get my screens & test them in different environments, it seems like the static electricity helps..or maybe I'm just looking a little too hard for something to help increase yield!


Well-Known Member
It is tough to say.. he claims roughly a 1% yield from what I gather.. my method will yield closer to 10%.. it's a very fine line..

I have a handful of pictures from numerous runs of his and they are very impressive. That said, I can put his and mine next to each other and you would be hard pressed to find much of a difference. The big difference in my head is the yield, and the time involved.

He won't give his method up. I can get you very close to that in 10-15 seconds.... my method yields quite well.

I have had a number of people try it and verify it works.. it's very quick, very easy, and very efficient.. I will be at the cup in Denver over the 4./20 weekend..

Personally.. I don't like static. I think there is a way to get what you're after without it. Gravity is all you need imo.


It is tough to say.. he claims roughly a 1% yield from what I gather.. my method will yield closer to 10%.. it's a very fine line..

I have a handful of pictures from numerous runs of his and they are very impressive. That said, I can put his and mine next to each other and you would be hard pressed to find much of a difference. The big difference in my head is the yield, and the time involved.

He won't give his method up. I can get you very close to that in 10-15 seconds.... my method yields quite well.

I have had a number of people try it and verify it works.. it's very quick, very easy, and very efficient.. I will be at the cup in Denver over the 4./20 weekend..

Personally.. I don't like static. I think there is a way to get what you're after without it. Gravity is all you need imo.

Yeah I've been watching your yield and it looks fantastic – for some reason I thought Skunkman's methods had a higher yield than 1%, but my memory is terrible. Always interested in learning tech to help increase yield now that we see the method produces quality! Hopefully can make it to the cup in Denver and see your goods in person!


Well-Known Member
still need to purchase my screens! Bummed though because my friend stopped growing..there goes all my trim!

I've found with even just kief collection from my grinder, it seems that cold/dryness helps a great deal. MnH, do you think Sam Skunkman's process involves static electricity, natural or created?
I prefer dry conditions to cold or freezing. I just feel like in the all the years i've done it.. the freezing temps don't do any favors to the leaf.. it just becomes brittle and it seems like I get more capitate stalk fragmenting up faster. I generally do my runs in my kitchen in ~70* temps, lol. It's never been an issue if it's not humid.

As for Sam, it's tough to say.. i've read so many different things.. one thing that stood out though was a story somebody told me about going into a room by himself with a pile of stuff.. no noise.. no anything.. and a few minutes later he comes out with very pure product.. I think static is involved in that part of the process.

I should have a new tutorial up shortly.. really wanna get this tek out there to people.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should clarify, it seems that when it is very cold/dry out, there seems to be a ton of static electricity naturally created – Do you think this naturally occurring static electricity helps/is part of Skunkman's process? I can wait to get my screens & test them in different environments, it seems like the static electricity helps..or maybe I'm just looking a little too hard for something to help increase yield!
Imo, static hurts my method. It makes them stick to the screens when what you want is for them to fall down on their own as easily as possible.

Of course, you might figure out something new, and that's good. ;)


Well-Known Member
Imo, static hurts my method. It makes them stick to the screens when what you want is for them to fall down on their own as easily as possible.

Of course, you might figure out something new, and that's good. ;)
Try grounding your screen.


Well-Known Member
Try grounding your screen.
I only use wood screens.. they hold (at least imo) far less than aluminum screens that i've used in the past. I have rubber feet installed on the bottom for my kits, and the top of that screen (the main one) also has foam on top of it to help reduce vibrations/static. It's small but it seems to help.

Been doin' basically the same setup, plus or minus a few little things.. for just over 11 years now.. so far.. so good!

If that still isn't what you had in mind.. what would you suggest additionally? Wouldn't mind hearing others ideas on this..

Rawr - Thanks eh! It's been a slow start here, and i've been crazy busy.. so still have not made a video. I do however, have a large amount of good trim here to deal with, so hopefully today or tomorrow.. weather cleared up and i've got some nice dry conditions.. been raining lately and even though it'll work.. I try to avoid sifting in the rain if I can.


Well-Known Member
New shot from tonight.. once again, 10 seconds, no carding, no refining. Outdoor from last season. Tons of fan leaves still.. ugh.. SourDfeb17_zps48906d37.png