The outdoor ones are looking fantastic
One of the Satori is stretching like CRAZY
I'm trying to limit my visiting to about once a week max. It also helps with my"holy crap" factor.
next update will be pics of early budding!
CHEA everything is growin to playYou gonna update soon? I Hope everything is growing to plan...
It was crraazzzyyy smelling! It was weird, like a synthetic blueberry plastic, musty as hell tooyummy!! blueberry haze, sounds pretty w1cked.....chowdaI love anything haze....
thanks man, I'm just trying to soak up as much knowledge and experience as I can!its too late to lollipop bro but you should check out a sog method i use to grow mamoth tall plants but was totally wasting my space use to do 20 big guys now i do about 50 little guys with each yeilding almost a zip per plant once its averaged out , but yo nice grow