New England Outdoors 2012.... the EAST COAST lol When are yours going out?


Active Member
ok to start off.. i live in new england... just trying to see who else is putting there plants out this week.. i have tons of strains to work with..

and tons of seeds i can start also..

When do u guys put yours out? and how big do u put them out from seed.. or clone?

do u spray them with bug spray andshit before going out. or ? like any hints on how to make this a more successful outdoor season then lastyears budrot messs

i am going with about 30 strains from clone.. and i have another 200 in seed form ..

is it too late to germ seeds and get em ready for outside or what???????

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I'm in southern Maine, putting plants out in a couple weeks. We can still get frost into early May in my area.

You can start seeds now and be fine, if you're starting them indoors make sure you harden them to sunlight before sticking them outdoors. I started rooting clones 2 weeks ago, like them a little bushy before going out.

If you can get out to your plants you can minimize budrot by going out after heavy rain and shaking off all the excess moisture on the buds


Active Member
I'm starting my seeds now and putting them in their final homes around mid-may. I like em to have 5leaf sets before they go out. Definitely have to make sure they're acclimated to the sun though or else they can be shocked and such. I had one last year that didn't seem to grow for weeks after a transplant.


Active Member
ya.. i was thinking like 2 more weeks for me also.. i am in vt.. right on the mass border.. i have tons of clones already rooted in my clone room.. and shit i was just wondering.. say i have some clones in beer cups that were neglected and let grow to about 18 inchs.. only like 4.. if i toss em out there.. today.. will they stay veg.. or is the light still to much dark time to put out clones now


Well-Known Member
Im in midatlantic --- last year i geminated early May --- and outside 100% by the 3rd week in May. I usually keep the youngin's in the sun during May and then bring them inside if needed.