New England outdoors 2017

This fucking humidity.... you win this time. She could go longer for sure but terrified of hitting the fungal tipping point. Been able to keep it in check this far but don't want to lose it all to greed. 7 weeks sativa selective harvest to commence. View attachment 4027178
Yes Mother Nature got her kicks in this year for sure. Usually expect 20 to 30 percent loss due to weather etc. this year lucky if I got 30% in.
Yes Mother Nature got her kicks in this year for sure. Usually expect 20 to 30 percent loss due to weather etc. this year lucky if I got 30% in.
I'm with you had a quick 2 day stretch that decimated probably ended up keeping less than 10% got me thinking of building another greenhouse
Nice... I took mine earlier than I wanted but was getting worried about rot when I took them... very happy with the results although we all know they bulk up at the end for the BIG yield. All good... let the trimming season begin!

I'm with you had a quick 2 day stretch that decimated probably ended up keeping less than 10% got me thinking of building another greenhouse
That is much worse than decimation. When the Romans would decimate a village, they lined them up and killed ever 10th person.
Spent a few hours tonight trimming... lost a good 20% to bud rot. Last couple of days hurt a bit...

Still have an AK47 sitting in my barn that isn't even close to finishing since I tossed it outside way too late...
May have to rig up my 400W led to attempt to finish it off inside.
She looks better and I can smell her again. The 5-6 day stretch of max humidity killed the sweet stench. Spots that almost got chopped and buried now have new growth! Had no idea that was possible. 1508364675687146827260.jpg
Bud rot killed me this year. I had to go away over the weekend. Got back on Monday. Lost 2 OGs. They were going great when I left... Needed to be chopped but I had no time. 3 days later I wanted to cry. I salvaged a few nugs... But I'd call it a complete loss.
Man that sucks... If my ex indoor growing friend didn't bail me out with dehumidifier it was over for me too. Sooo close to destroying A LOT of work.