New fad : Un Trimmed Weed


Well-Known Member
On my upcoming harvest I think I'll do some very minor trimming on a few nice buds. Everything I grow I keep for myself anyway. This may work really well in the Iolite.


Well-Known Member
I guess its personal presence. I don't like leaves on my buds i think it looks sloppy and i dont pay for leaves(Which Alot of cheap asses use to add weight Along with Steams). I guess im just picky but still i cut anything off that doesn't have trics because it can easily be put to use other places (Hash/ Edibles)


Active Member
thats why i smoke my harvest. trimming is a waste of time, energy, and a significant amount of smoke. I have grown my own for years(outdoor, just moved inside this year wish me luck!) and I never trim it. I just put what i dont want back in the bag on make a "hash bag" and toss everything in there and hash it when it gets full. why wastes all the tricomes by handling it so much? my 2 pennies


Well-Known Member
what kinda bag are you putting the unwanted stuff into? if it's plastic then I really don't see how you are saving yourself any tricomes. tricomes stick to plastic. plus when you pull it off the nug to put it into the bag you are losing more crystals to your fingers than you would by cutting it off in the first place lol.

If your worried about saving tricomes than trim your nugs straight into a glass jar for making hash or butter or what ever extract you desire. Honestly between handling it while drying, trimming, curing, breaking it up to smoke it you lose less than drying, curing, picking off leafs with your fingers, placing the leafs into a plastic bag for later and breaking the rest up to smoke it.


Active Member
Come on man, u know leaf looks n tastes like crap! If you dont mind,screw all that trimming. But like someone said earlier, try getting rid of that un-trimmed vs. The trim.the process sucks but its worth it!!!

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
why put in all that hard work and effort to sell bud that has less bag appeal and won't get you top dollar. that's if your going to get rid of it. my 2 cents
thats why i smoke my harvest. trimming is a waste of time, energy, and a significant amount of smoke. I have grown my own for years(outdoor, just moved inside this year wish me luck!) and I never trim it. I just put what i dont want back in the bag on make a "hash bag" and toss everything in there and hash it when it gets full. why wastes all the tricomes by handling it so much? my 2 pennies
Thats why you smoke your harvest? Weird I smoke to get high, though I don't think there is a more enjoyable way if your true end goal is to avoid trimming.

On a serious note, as long as you're only leaving the sugar'd leaves no one is going to complain.


Active Member
you guys clearly have no clue. You assume everyone here is trying to sell their weed. I think you are wrong. Most RIU guys are growing their own smoke, If you want to sell your pot then by all means, trim it. It wont sell otherwise. I grow my own because i enjoy it and love to smoke the finished product. Im going to assume most of you only THINK you are going to sell your weed. Try understanding pot farming from the individual home grower's point of view. This will help you understand where most people on this site are coming from. 99% of the people online who say they grow to make money are lying. The 1% that do make money have trouble getting rid of their weed because it sucks. I am referring mostly to CA growers. Having been in this industry for many years I have learned that most people online are a joke.
you guys clearly have no clue. You assume everyone here is trying to sell their weed. I think you are wrong. Most RIU guys are growing their own smoke, If you want to sell your pot then by all means, trim it. It wont sell otherwise. I grow my own because i enjoy it and love to smoke the finished product. Im going to assume most of you only THINK you are going to sell your weed. Try understanding pot farming from the individual home grower's point of view. This will help you understand where most people on this site are coming from. 99% of the people online who say they grow to make money are lying. The 1% that do make money have trouble getting rid of their weed because it sucks. I am referring mostly to CA growers. Having been in this industry for many years I have learned that most people online are a joke.
I can't say anything about the CA situation. But where I'm at dealers will gobble up what I have, even if its still wet- and I've paid my bills more than once with it growing just a couple automatics at a time. I just don't think its hard to grow good stuff if you got good genetics- just water when the pot is light and grow in a recommended soil.

In general I don't get your criticism, yes most people online are bs, but the ones that are are usually easy to spot because even the best lie doesn't hold up to thoughtful scrutiny.