New fish in the pond


OK so I stumbled across this site about 2 weeks ago, and I’ve been very busy reading all the excellent content. My brains already fried.

I have a friend that’s been growing (big style) for about 5 years now, he’s convinced me to set up my own grow room, hence why I stumbled across RIU.

I’ve been smoking the herbs for about 20 years but this will be my first attempt at growing. He wanted to charge me £150 a day to set up and supervise my first grow, so I thought fuck that and found you guys instead. How hard can it be? PMSL……

You lot the other side of the pond don’t know how lucky you are being able to grow medically!!! How cool is that…. Is that the whole of America? I wanted to move to the Dam the first time I went, but now maybe I should think about moving to the states instead.

I have convinced a friend to use his spare bedroom and we are in the process of setting everything up. I’ve bought 4 x 600watt HPS lights and already have my seeds on order from Amsterdam. I’ve chosen super skunk feminised seeds.

After reading a lot of the journals you guys have posted, I feel a lot more confident about my first attempt at growing, but I’m still counting on lots of support as I’ve not really got a clue. I’m sure its not as easy as you guys make it look. I think I’ll set up my own journal so you can see how things are going.

Man you gotta love the net ain’t ya :bigjoint:


Elite Rolling Society
I do not give my money to drug lords, I grow my own!.

Welcome to RollitUp, a great place, the best place, to learn growing!

I hope you hang around and enjoy the site.

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial - [URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""][URL=""]Marijuana[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL] Growing[/URL] < a great tutorial to learn if I must say so, myself.

Where are TWO newbie sections?


Thanks for the welcome Roseman. I've read your DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial a couple of times now, and I want to become a bubblehead next time round!!

You make it look so easy lol

Keep an eye on my journal for my plz fella, I could do with you on side.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
OK so I stumbled across this site about 2 weeks ago, and I’ve been very busy reading all the excellent content. My brains already fried.

I have a friend that’s been growing (big style) for about 5 years now, he’s convinced me to set up my own grow room, hence why I stumbled across RIU.

I’ve been smoking the herbs for about 20 years but this will be my first attempt at growing. He wanted to charge me £150 a day to set up and supervise my first grow, so I thought fuck that and found you guys instead. How hard can it be? PMSL……

You lot the other side of the pond don’t know how lucky you are being able to grow medically!!! How cool is that…. Is that the whole of America? I wanted to move to the Dam the first time I went, but now maybe I should think about moving to the states instead.

I have convinced a friend to use his spare bedroom and we are in the process of setting everything up. I’ve bought 4 x 600watt HPS lights and already have my seeds on order from Amsterdam. I’ve chosen super skunk feminised seeds.

After reading a lot of the journals you guys have posted, I feel a lot more confident about my first attempt at growing, but I’m still counting on lots of support as I’ve not really got a clue. I’m sure its not as easy as you guys make it look. I think I’ll set up my own journal so you can see how things are going.

Man you gotta love the net ain’t ya :bigjoint:
Welcome; as an aside, I've got some super skunk (as well as others) that are going to start flowering in about a week if you're interested/curious about the strain.


bud bootlegger
welcome bro.. i don't think that anyone answered your first ? about if medical grows are legal in every state in the u.s.... and unfortunately the answer is a big fat no.. i think that it is only legal in like 13/ 50... california being the best of course.. as well as maybe only one of the ones that actually has medical despensiaries, although i was just reading that maine maybe opening some soon as well.. stay out of maine though.. brrrr, cold and snowy.. beautiful country up there, but tooo friggin cold in my books..
and although growing is not all that hard, believe me it is not as easy as a pro like roseman makes it look... i would love to get into some bubbleponics or dwc myself, but i would rather get a few grows under my belt before i go all hardcore crazy and shit.. i think that taking it easy for a few grows and getting the basics down first is a good way for new b's to start out, although many people do start out all advanced and do well, i just think that is the smartest way to do things imho..
four 600 watters.. your gonna be growing alot of nice plants under all of those lumens.. just sit back and do your homework before you even attempt to germinate your first bean, be willing to ask for help and willing to follow some as well, and you will do just fine..
what method of growing are you planing on using.. soil, hydro, dwc.. etc..etc..??????
well, best of luck with your grow mate...


Thanks racerboy (loving that name!) some good advice there. I'm trying Hydro but really wanna do the bubble thing next time round.