New Girl.....


Thought I'd throw my noob hat into the ring here. First time grow with me as well. Read a TON before doing it which has helped to troubleshoot, and received some excellent and quick advice a couple of weeks ago from experienced members. My plants are now 4 weeks old today. That's 4 weeks since I started germination from seed. They started slow, I thought, but in the last week have exploded. This is a pic of my plants today, 4 weeks exactly from when I first put the seeds in 1 inch rockwool cubes. I'm going to post a my grow log hoping it'll help other first timers, I think I'm doing some things right, but I'm sure some things could be better. I don't know if my growth is ahead of the curve or not, but it seems to be doing well.

3 strains bought from Attitude
400 watt Hortilux Super Blue MH
Dutch Master Gold Nutes, on 2nd week of grow protocol 600ppm

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Looking good there Dekard :) I topped mine last week and they've rewarded me with sprouting wonderfully. I'll try and add pics tomorrow.


hello there peeps, hey red mist, i was having same problem (slow growth) under fluoros, then i changed to hid's and still had slow growth, so i checked my ph .. which was way too high so plants were unable to access the nutrients they needed, balanced ph and now the babies are growing much faster, they're 4 weeks and about ten times the size as your's :) , hope this helps xx
Thanks Lib, they're doing much better right now but am going to hunt out a ph tester this week. Good luck with yours! :D


So I've been offline for a while and thought I'd drop back in to let you all know that out of 5 germinated, I ended up with 3 ladies (so now I have a mother and 2 to harvest, mwahahahahaha!) and they're about 3 feet tall with lots of bud sites, have attached a couple of pics to show the buds. Hope everyone had an amazing Xmas :D

