New Grow!!3rd Week VEGG!!


Well-Known Member
yea the tips are green but there hanging down nute lock or something...
should i give them nutes next watering. i last watered them friday and nutes last monday .. should i give nutes in next watering i dont want them to all droop again it doesnt look healthy lol... some opinions would be much apreciated


Well-Known Member
they got bad nute lock and a little bit of nute burn the leaves are starting to turn yellow in some places..
i think im gonna have to flush i have some questions there are four pots 2 different sizes 2- 2 gallons and 2- 3 gallons how much would water do i flush them with... second question they have little water catcher things lol that clip on the bottom of the pots do these need ot be taken off all the way or can they stay on????..

anything else i might need some help with would be much i apreciated



Well-Known Member
im having some problems i thin i have a bit of nute lock and nute burn i dont want to flush any other good ideas how long will it take to recover



Well-Known Member
31days flowering
oright ive been giving them water for about 2 weeks no nutes i gave 2 of the plants some Guano yesterday 10-10-0 yesterday to get some green back into them.. the top of one the plants the edge of the leaves are drying is this a problem do i need to flush this one??? do you think the guano was bad idea will this cause more burn???

plus here some pix let me know anything you might think will help...thanks



Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf: I think that youll be fine just watch the burn and if it gets too bad then flush her good. She is looking good though. :leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
looks good,i wouldnt worry about the minor burn,it could be from the guano,but like dr says if it gets too extreme then flush.

next time u should grow one girl and top and fim her to the maxx. and use a closer nitted screen and dont cut holes out for the plant to come through,let the plant find the hole and work itself through,then top or fim the sites and put another screen ontop,layer a few screens,u know what im saying?

after you are happy with the way they are movein through then flower,but u need to cut any veggetation that is not goin to be usefull, basicly expose the stems to get good air circulation and to become thick. i would do this for your next grow,not now bc it could shock the girls and focefully make them herm through stress