New grow box CFL grow badseed and 2 clones :)


At first i started off with the crappy grow box 2 85w cfl and 2 80mm fans it was going ok until i wanted bigger light and new grow box. Dont have pics of that.

Now the other pics of my new grow box made today, showing the clones and the bagseed clonse were from a mate.

They are under a 250w CFL 2700k will be getting the veg one for next grow. Doing well.

I flower from seed hopeing to save space that failed but its ok now :D

More pics to come in the next couple of weeks :)

its on day 35 hairs been showing on one since 13 days ago the clones only about 2 days now, one clone is being LST'ed as a test, comments and critsium welcome :)



Well-Known Member
At first i started off with the crappy grow box 2 85w cfl and 2 80mm fans it was going ok until i wanted bigger light and new grow box. Dont have pics of that.

Now the other pics of my new grow box made today, showing the clones and the bagseed clonse were from a mate.

They are under a 250w CFL 2700k will be getting the veg one for next grow. Doing well.

I flower from seed hopeing to save space that failed but its ok now :D

More pics to come in the next couple of weeks :)

its on day 35 hairs been showing on one since 13 days ago the clones only about 2 days now, one clone is being LST'ed as a test, comments and critsium welcome :)

thats about right usually 21 days bro its good to go , but you should of tried to super crop it


I will keep all updated :)

And i dont know what super crop is having read about it, will look into it for 2nd grow thanks :)


Active Member
Hell yeah, lst worked for me, lol. Im not sure the plant is a female yet, but the new growth was amazing, also its now showing me 5 new tops! Cant complain about that!


Hell yeah, lst worked for me, lol. Im not sure the plant is a female yet, but the new growth was amazing, also its now showing me 5 new tops! Cant complain about that!
Damn that sounds good! :D here are the pics for today i will be working over the weekend so i watered my babys enough to last them i hope back sunday night!



Active Member
Your tall plant seems to still have a flexible stem, from the pics. I Lst'd my plant alot more dramatically than yours on the first day. And the extra growth amazed me. So you may want to follow my example, you may not, it takes some bravery bending your plant the way I did for the first time. My heart was racing, but I bent slowly, feeling for how much give the stem was going to give me. Also, watering the plant well a few hours before you do it helps the stem flex. Here are a cpl pics, before and after.

I placed a string at the base of the stem, about a half inch from the soil to keep it in place without tugging at the roots. Then I pulled the plant, with another string, as far over at the middle as i felt I could go without breaking the stem. I then used one more string to pull the top below the new height of the middle as well as directing it to around the edge of my pot. So that in the long run, my plant could be wrapped like this all the way back to the base of the stem. In a circle.

I cant emphasize enough that you need to be really slow and feel your plant so its not breaking. Gauge your plants flex and work from there.



Tbh i reakon its a bit to late to do that kind of LST to her shes quite a bit into budding now and as i just started it wouldnt seam ok :P dont really wanna risk loseing her im a first time grower hehe :)

The buds on her are going very well, and the 2 little clones are getting big and hairs are going mad :D


Well-Known Member
Hey, you did a good job on that grow my dude. Plant... looks nice and standing straight up you know? Nice color pigmentation going on around the main stem... your leafs look good. And finally.. the Flower up at the top. Nice job. Congrats. ;)

And hell yeah.. take clones. Keep the momma around.. ya dig? hehehehehe..


They are all going pretty well ill post pics in the next few days, One concern today whilst watering on the main plant the biggest ive noticed alot of flys hanging around near the bottom like where the stem greats the soil i dont know if i should be worryed or not i moved around the leafs and like up to 10 flew out they look a bit like ant/flys can anyone help me with this :/
i had a bug problem for like a month. lil gnats? well i did a flush. then when it dried up a lil i mixed perioxide with soapy water and vinger. its seem to work. learned dat from people on here.


yeh i know aid budddd :D You should see the main one now shes filling out quite a bit :D

And thanks jo3wii ill look into it cause i dont know where i can get perioxide... i need to get rid of them there being a pest...