Nice grow and good luck with it! I have 5 Bubbas growing outdoors with 2 supplemental 1000watt MH/HPS's. The supplementals are used about 3-4 hours
a day when the plants are not getting direct sun. Generally early morn and eve. I also use cfl's underneath my plants on top of the pots for better lower growth of the plants. I vegged my Bubbas for 16 weeks straight and now i'm
inside the 3rd week of flowering. I will be doing 8 weeks total of flowering. I been using FF soil and liquid neuts for veg, Dyna Grow Bloom
and some seaweed/kelp liquid extract for the first 5 weeks of flowering then I will hit them with Shooting Powder the remaining 3 weeks
of flowering to layer and build buds on top of buds. I also have Black Dominas growing in this fashion. If someone ever crosses
Bubba with Black Domina you would have Black Bubba!