new grow for xmas bud


Well-Known Member
I only ever pop in now and again but been watching this one. First off great buds and plants, by far better than the last grow, in no way will you be unhappy with the final harvest plus you got one of them maxibrite t5 units like me starting the next crop, they seriously rock although i got the 4 tube version. had to be done m8 to much having the 600w light on all the time so now i'm going to start under the t5 for about 4 or 5 weeks

More points that i think will push yeilds on the next grow are that some plants look a bit stretched, maybe simply rotating them every other day to get an even light spread or maybe they were some stretchy ass genetics in the first place. An even level canopy will allow light closer. Leaves look very sparse and yellow, work the ferts better next grow and harvests will be increased. every 3 day i was rotating them the 3 that look really stretched are cheese and the 5 that dont look stretched are bubblegum the last grow was cheese to so i think for now going to try new seeds like the 8 i'm just starting of then see where i go from there

All good though and a wicked grow, id say 2/3 weeks should be perfect, wait for that final swell and avoid early harvests at all costs, if you need weed harvest the worst and let the rest fully mature. thanks thats what i think to 2/3 weeks left they where 6 weeks on 12/12 sunday just gone and going to let go all the way to m8

Christmas dinner at yours is gona be a right good smoke, in the winter im looking at between ten days and two weeks for a full dry, summer times is more like 6 days. Factor this in and harvest appropriatly. Keep a tally of the final harvest weight of all buds, half gram per watt of light is a good starting point and pushing 1 gram a watt is where you need to end up for pro status.

Again record grow and really well done. Peace
thank you very much pal


Well-Known Member
Very nice job... thank you pal
I think u used SOG tech on some plants all right ... Is that ? no just in pots in the tent
And I c your seeding ...Why u dont use Jiffy pellet for seeding it works great and very easy and low stress on change pots.....
i did start in jifft pellets then when i see a good lot of roots i put i to the air pots then when i put in the tent they we go in to the big pots


Well-Known Member
Looking brilliant my man.

I have a BW in hydro right now, massive thing it is, should be done in a couple of wks... I love the BW man, great nug structure and awesome smell and taste, good shit all around!
thanks m8 on way new to take a look at her


Well-Known Member
Looking brilliant my man.

I have a BW in hydro right now, massive thing it is, should be done in a couple of wks... I love the BW man, great nug structure and awesome smell and taste, good shit all around!
can not see it can you put pic up please


Well-Known Member
Do you have plants in different stages of flower or are some just not high yielding? The tall stretchy ones I mean.
Man you're plants a so fucking fat and sticky, I wanna have a half weed baby with your shit.
thanks pal the 3 stretched ones are 3 cheese and are about 2 weeks behind


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'll get a pic soon. I don't have a journal so I'll have to snap one, but I gotta get my camera charged to take it. But yeah, BW an awesome strain, I've had it for over a year and I'm not letting her go anytime soon.