New Grow - From Seed - Cataract Skunk and Short Bus


Active Member
Hey guys -

Sorry about the delay on harvest pics. Worked in the grow room all night last night, was up until 4 in the morning. Same tonight pretty much - I want to get the bitch finished. Looking forward to being able to walk in and just tend the garden, not do fuckin grow room construction work.

Alas though, my temporary plan failed. Last night got the whole room poly'd and set up that temporary filter>light>fan>exhaust system to run until my other 600 finishes in the tent. Apparently the filter, light, and pushing the air upstairs is to much for the one fan to handle. Temps spiked to like 84. Ugh - was so exhausted I said fuck it and turned it off. Will look at it again with a fresh set of eyes this evening. Have a feeling I may get to the point where I say fuck it, and move the last NYCD over to the new room to finish. Would suck, but in trying to get this room functioning I've realized how kinda pointless it is without all my equipment. Just gunna have to come in and re- do everything once I get my other light and fans in a couple weeks. We'll see what happens.

Anyways . In taking pictures of the ultra sonjas harvest I've realized how much my camera sucks. Sorry guys. Here is one pic of the main cola for now tho, promise I will upload more later. Just got mad shit to do today. Happy weekend!



Active Member
Nice cola! Pretty sweet ROOR too. Had a 36" ROOR but broke it:wall::wall::wall::wall:
Looking forward to seeing you master your enviorment. Good luck!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I would like to be chillin in that kitchen dude :lol:

roor with vapor skillet... nugs to trim.... and grow room work ;) sounds like a good day to me bub!

Yes, the further your fan gets from the intake and exhaust point, the weaker the flow will be.... ALSO any time the ventilation bends or curves airflow will suffer.... You can add some ducting elbows to help smooth out the air flow in any curves

You can find these at Home Depot.

ALSO you can add ANOTHER booster inline fan to bring that airflow up... just don't make it a weaker fan, that can make things worse. Of course that costs more $ but I figure you can always use another fan

If you change your fans up like I'm suggesting you should def. see an increase in airflow and a drop in temperature. how much depends on how much ventilation your running

From designing my first little HID grow, next time I will look at venting first rather than lights. Like buy a lot of big fans first :)

How many feet of venting on each side of your fan? If you don't mind me asking..


Active Member
Hey guys -

Hope you all had a good weekend. I was busy as hell. bongsmilie Got the grow room figured out as far as how it will run until I get my other 600 from the tent and fans etc. Pretty much the biggest change was instead of running the exhaust upstairs (had almost a 180 degree turn to go up) it now just vents around a corner and into the rest of the basement. Gets up to 82 during these hot ass days but dips down to 78 overnight. Still have lights on 24 hrs a day. So once I flip to 12/12 and the lights are on overnight shouldn't be a problem. Plus I'll have another 6 in. Max fan and 4 in can fan to help move air when my tent finishes. AND lol this house has a motherfuckin swamp cooler that I haven't even turned on yet (doing that this week) so that should help to. SO. I should be okay.

In related news: I've got pictures from the Ultra Sonja harvest as promised, although they're from my shitty camera. She is hanging up in a closet now drying. (Sorry for not doing thumbnails guys, am busy as fuck and actually have two finals tomorrow)

And then the babies. Have given them all they're first big-ish feeding. Mixed in 1 tsp grow big and 2 tbsp big bloom per gallon. All the ones under the flouro fixture got watered a day before the ones under the hid. You can tell the difference, and that they are truckin a bit faster than the others. But they'll have to even it out tho - I'm not playing this bull shit water us in two groups game. Aside from that though, think things are going well. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Hell yea man that's all awesome. That Sonja looks tasty and those babies r lookn RIGHT. Glad u got ur temps straightened out bro. Everythings looks awesome tho. Good luck with ur finals


Active Member
The NYCDs in the back are getting close. Just gave what will probably be their last watering tonight. Believe the one in front is going to far surpass them in yield...:mrgreen:



Active Member
Yo yo. Chilin in the garden. All seems well. Still got lights on 24/7. Pulled one of the NYCDs today, she's gettin darkness for 24-48 hrs. The other will be pulled in a day or two, and then the last one has a couple more weeks. Can't fuckin wait to get that other hps in my room and flip to 12/12. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Damn bro. Those vegging plants look awesome. And of course the nycd do. Man ur gonna have so much killer weed. I'm fuckn jealous :( we gon get to enjoy some harvest pics?


Active Member
Haha thanks man. And I did take a few pics, will post tomorrow. I'm pretty tired. The NYCD definitely outproduced the ultra Sonja. I'm hoping to break 2 oz with her...we'll see.


Active Member
What's up guys?

Been super busy as usual. Both NYCDs have come down. The last plant in the tent is on day 60. Will probably go to around day 75 I'd imagine. Room is truckin along. Going to clone them and thin out a bunch of bottom branches within the next day or two when I get some time. Ultra Sonja just went into jars yesterday. :blsmoke:

Sorry for the shitty pics..(there's also a hanger full of buds on each side behind the doors you can't see :mrgreen:)



Well-Known Member
Damn bro. I need that closet, bud included lol. That's some of that eww wee. Those veg plants r fuckn banging also, pretty rich green. Man did u super crop that diesel or how did u get that stem so thick bro? That thing looks huge, guess that's why it has bulging buds on it lol. Excellent work man. +rep 4 u my friend


Active Member
Damn bro. I need that closet, bud included lol. That's some of that eww wee. Those veg plants r fuckn banging also, pretty rich green. Man did u super crop that diesel or how did u get that stem so thick bro? That thing looks huge, guess that's why it has bulging buds on it lol. Excellent work man. +rep 4 u my friend
Thanks for the compliments man! And I LST'd the NYCDs. Removed the ties eventually but yeah, that's how I got that shape. Actually do think I'm going to try super cropping with this new batch. A little to late and their stems are a little to thick to start lsting now.

We'll see tho, as that is my next move with the garden - either training, super croping, topping, or fiming etc...or some combination of the bunch.

Took some clones tonight (only had my 12 site bubble cloner and dont have the time or energy to expand that aspect right only got 12 clones) and thinned out some of the other lower branches and undergrowth on the plants. Also put all of the tallest plants under the flouro fixture, and the shortest directly under the hid - hopefully to give them a bit more intense light and intense growth to catch up. Then gave everyone a nice solid drink of plain ph adj water. They are really lookin good I'd say....knock on wood. Cannot fucking wait to get my other hps in there and flip to 12/12.

I have a feeling these babies are going to get preeettty large if I wait the ~15 ish days untill the tent finishes to flip. We shall see...:twisted:



Active Member
Yo guys.

What's up? Lots happening on my end as usual. I am actually out of town right now. A good friend is watching the babies. Just going to be uploading pics from a few days ago to keep the visual progression going.

Wrapping things up on my last NYCD plant in the tent. Think she's about to be on day 70. Has been flushing for over a week now. Am really looking forward to that. The first 2 NYCDs smoke really well. I have all the exact harvest numbers written down at home, and will update with them probably once I pull the last one down and can compare them all. That being said, the 2 NYCDs pulled 6 ozs and a couple grams. Nice! Looks like I broke the 3 oz mark on those. Definitely happy with how the herbs turned out.

Horrible blurry picture #1

As for the vegging plants. Looking fucking great! Did some rearranging in there the other day.

And also took my first stab at super cropping. Apparently it worked, cuz my friend said they EXPLODED overnight. Said they straight bushed out! Which is what were goin for here so....good lol. Unfortunately I only have pics from right after I made the bends. Just started with 2 plants to see how I like the results. We shall see.

And a group shot after all was said and done:

But yeah guys. That will be it for the next 5 days or so. Am somewhat concerned/excited about how much they will have grown by the time I get home. Shouldn't be a problem though. Have a good week! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
DAMN BRO! That's a ton of bud u delivered yourself, ton of bud. damn fine job on those diesels. Very nice shrubbery u got going on in veg too. But I'm afraid ill have too much smoke after they get done. Let me some up off ya :) lol


Active Member
Well shit guys. I know I said I wasn't going to do another update until I got home, but my friend just sent me a pic and DAMN. She had to supercrop a few more that were getting to tall, and said within 24 hrs they were lookin straight back up for the light.

Starting to become real impressed with the strength and resilience (sp?) of these genetics.. Also, pre flowers are apparently starting to show. Need to get my ass back home, chop down my last NYCD, move my other light, and flip these bitches to 12/12!!! Soon my friends, very soon... bongsmilie



Active Member
No way man!!! That's day 41 veg! Ha! I am still waiting to chop down my last NYCD plant in my tent, so I can move that 600 watt light into my room. I haven't even flipped to 12/12 yet! bongsmilie

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
oh shit too high hahahaha

for some reason I only saw the low spectrum light and figured flower :lol:

those are going to be some big girls... now i see why i posted that half baked video :lol: sorry