Hi guys, i just set up my first personal grow, 4 strains, 20 auto’s in a 2m x 3m tent. 4 X 630w lumatek CMH Lights (set to 80%) 40” above the 5gallon fabric pots. I’m growing in coco perlite ±= 70/30 c/p, and ive got A couple concerns if you would mind helping me... So my plants are now 7 days old from planting, and I’m a bit worried about the lack of growth that I’ve gotten from them... after looking online it doesn’t look like they’re big enough. The leaves also appear a more yellowy tinge towards the base of the leaf, then going dark green. Also, one of them is very very droopy and another one has brown tiny brown spots on it. The rest seem okay. Ive been watering semi regularly basically whenever the top inch dries up with a watering can, leaving them all of yesterday... and today i decided to give them all cal mag and floro trio nutes of course at a much lower strength. The temperature has been constant at around 23-24 degrees, dropping to 21 one night, Humidity around 35% with a humidifier, and I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong as i thought they’d be doing much better. Please help a noob. Many thanks.