new grow looking for advice

IMG_0987.jpgIMG_0988.jpgIMG_0989.jpgrob 1.jpgwell guys what do you think
any problems
will put out all info soon
please give me some help
there is no bad advice just bad peoplerob 1.jpg

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
They're Phosphorus deficient, among other things. That's what causes the brown patches on the leaves & makes them twist like that. Start by checking the soil pH and feed them a properly pH'd fertilizer solution.
So you think I should start giving half strength frets
I'll be using botaniccare pure blend it's 3-2-4
allong with some hygrozyme
need to get a soil ph kit
the water that comes out after watering is a low
With the the ph test kit I have


Active Member
Get some air circulation in there. You can get some computer fans if heat is not an issue, or go for an inline fan with a speed controller (pricier, but gives better circulation and helps control temperature).

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Get some air circulation in there. You can get some computer fans if heat is not an issue, or go for an inline fan with a speed controller (pricier, but gives better circulation and helps control temperature).
I agree that you need to get some circulation and ventilation going but all this inline fan speed controller non-sense isn't for you. You need like an 80cfm exhaust and a small oscillating desk fan.

You're not deficient. By the look of the damage it occurred weeks ago. The new growth looks healthy enough. Focus on keeping your pH dialed in and wait on feeding the plant for a little longer. At least not until you get the ventilation worked out and they stop looking so wilty.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
They're big enough for full strength fertilizers. Combined with the fact that they are already in need of nutrients, they'll thank you for a full three-course meal with much healthy growth.
I installed a comp. fan to get the air moving
and gave them a nice drink of ferts.
Hope this will help.waiting for the outside temp(20deg)
to go up and I'll add add an exhaust hole/fan
temps inside box arnt a problem with the lights about a foot
from the plants so...

Anyways thanks guys and let them comments fly