New grow-Master Kush, Blue Widow

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
hey smoke, liking the coco are you? my first grow was soil. then i switched to coco, and will never go back. been a good 10 years or so. i'm not sure if you are using them or not, but coco specific nutes are a huge help. run-off is key, get a good 10-15% every feed. looking good!!!
alright so a quick update the switch to 12/12 has happened. so for nutrients i have mixed in some transitional nutrients. Again, I'm using cutting edge solutons, general hydroponics, and botanicare for a 5 gallon res.

1. botanicare cal-mag 20 ml
2. c.e.s. micro 40 ml
3. c.e.s. grow 25 ml
4. c.e.s. bloom 65 ml
5. gh koolbloom didnt use any yet and wont until the last 3 weeks

ph was at 6.0.

so those are the nutrients i mixed for the transition to the bloom phase.

STH70301.jpgthis is the mk that previously was sickly looking. had a lot of disbelievers that didnt think i could pull her through. hope she gives me a lot for the love i put into her.
STH70299.jpgso heres the canopy so far. I have 7 blue widow and 5 master kush..

smokey bacon

Active Member
Hey: Silky
Im using greenleaf nutes and have been for the last 2 or so years(soil that is) as far as l can tell they are hydro but not sure if coco specific but the girls seem to be thriving none the less will be updating wit pics in a day or so cause tomorrow is start of week 7 of flowering just wating for the swelling to happen
Peace all
Hey vally lookin good dude mine took a week to show preflowers so hold on tight and l`ll see how mine compare to yours
I just watered my plants.

1. 20 ml cal-mag
2. 40 ml micro
3. 0 ml grow
3. 75 ml bloom
4. 0 ml kool bloom

ill post pictures when the plants have noticeable growth


Well-Known Member
There looking really good man, time for them to stretch and get stacking buds!
props for rocking the 1000 in the4x4 if you can cool it it's the best you get some really
nice sense frosty buds.

Anyways man good stuff keep us posted ur grows sick!
So I'll be posting new pictures tonight. Thanks for all the positive feedback. Its much appreciated.

The temp in the tent with the 1000w never gets over 76 degrees. and 66 at night(day). I run my tent at night and cut all the heat off in the room that holds my tent then light out i turn the heat up to 72 which keeps my tent at 66.

smokey bacon

Active Member
Hi: Valley
Lookin nice man its gonna get crowed in there hehe:blsmoke:
I veged my M.K for 8 weeks currently at week 7 of flower check me out gonna post pics now
Keep the updates commin and keep a close eye on things in there its gonna be hard im sure with all those girls in there
Peace :joint:
ya Smokey its definitely getting crowded there haha but im planning on doing some rearranging for them. i plan on moving the fan out and getting a new one in there mounted from the top pointing down to try and free up floor space. i originally was planning on vegging them for 6 weeks then puttin 9 in flower and set up another tent and flower the rest after a few more weeks of veg to try and create a good harvest a month rotation. but im going to do it next grow instead... got stoned and lazy... you know how dabs are lol

smokey bacon

Active Member
Cool: Valley
I have some new pics posted on my thread posted a few days ago hope to post more the weekend l should be getting closer to swelling time yumee yum
peace :bigjoint: