New grow need help sorting harvest time


This particular group of plants ( 3 ) were started as seeds back in Feb under natural light in a window sill. They are unknown seeds ( not bag seeds though ). No idea on strain. This particular strain has been doing really well with clones etc I have since moved this same strain to DWC and put on a regular nute regimen. That leaves with me this girl.. My question is how far out am I from needing to start monitoring her for harvest?

Full disclosure this plant was under 400hps for about 2 weeks now 1000hps during week 3/4 of flower. My DWC plants are moving to this state way faster and are following a more normal veg / flower cycle. 12/12 light cycle, GH Flora Nute program.


Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
hard to tell from 1 pic but it looks like mine do now which is about 4-5 weeks away, depends on the strain, get an eye loupe or microscope and judge the harvest by the trichromes (search this site for guides) but that's a few weeks away at least