New Grow, Need help w/heat problems


Active Member
Thanks for the info, would a 6" inline/exhaust fan home depot work to exhaust the air cooled hps? Thats about all I can afford at the moment, or would I def need another windtunnel? Yea its real quiet. I have some noise because its mounted on a piece of 2x4 that I mounted on an attic joist. Which im gonna try to maybe suspend it with bungi cords with hooks to see if that cuts what little noise there is.

Is there anyone that can offer some insight as to when to flower with the pics I posted+small space?


Well-Known Member
no you dont have to get a another windtunnel

one of those inline fans should work fine for the light cooling

so word? those windtunnels are extra quiet? thas great. real stealth huh? i had sent you a msg too man.

i hope my advice helps bro....


Active Member
its possible your fan is also sucking air down from the attic would try sealing the entrance to the attic off and create more of a vacum in your grow area also make sure your ducting in between the filter hood and fan is as short as pos with less bends as pos aswell.Would also try using the vents in the attic you mensioned as an intake as this would give a full air repacment cycle but remember to put a very fine filter over to stop any unwanted entries(pest ect).sounds like a big job but if this is a long term grow it will be well worth it.


Well-Known Member
dont sound like to big of a job. 2-3 hours if u get into it. a inline from HD could work fine it might just be loud. but u can always take it back if its to loud. i say give it a shot and tell us how it is. im sick of paying 200+ for can fans. but they sure do working fucking good.


Active Member plants are coming along good, I was thinking of trying to LST them because of the limited space but that would be way too much of a hassle for me, I think I will FIM/Top them today, change the water and start my second week of nutes to boost up ppm. I will veg for one more week then maybe put them into flower depending on how much more they grow after this week. Here are some updated pics....I am going to hook up the 4" charcol filter to the 4" windtunnel, then run an 6" exhaust fan from home depot off the 400w HPS, I closed up the other side of the HPS so the heat will be getting exhausted right from the room. Can anyone tell me with the two fans, the light being exhausted constantly and the room being filtered periodically, will I be able to run a sugar/yeast CO2 formula? Will my temps go back up with the filter only running every so often even though the light is being exhausted constantly?



Well-Known Member
looking really good man. nice tight internode spacing. i dont think ur temps will flux that much if you are still cooling the light. maybe a few degrees but not much. Just keep thinking man, your coming along great. good job.


Active Member
Thanks...i dont know if you could see it on that second pic but my cat loves to munch...does anyone know if animals can get high off plant leafs?


Active Member
UPDATE......using two fans have dropped my room by a constant 10 degrees, my grow room now when completely sealed is about 84 degrees F. I open the door from time to time to vent. So it def helped I know Ideal temps are even lower but this looks to be the best im going to get, ANY ADVISE> seems everyone forgot about me?


Well-Known Member
get a bunch of co2 pumping in there and plants can withstand higher temps. also animals dont get high from eating the leaves. unless they were coated in trichomes.


Active Member down, one of my plants died and one of them looks very deficient/dead. I will get some pics on here later. but as of now I have made a CO2 sample of yeast and sugar...not sure how much good its doing. The plants are getting very bushy, not much upward growth. I am worried though in the pics you will notice how much grow space I have left till the plants are going to touch the HPS, any suggestions help? Is it too late to try and bend them? can anyone tell me the defiencies? It would take me a week to do some research and find out on my own? HELP!!!


Active Member
UPDATE.... I think I was able to save one of the smaller two that were dying. I just flushed the rockwool with some normal water....Now I am just using plain water in the res. My other plants are doing good. I started bloom phase with sensi bloom and big bud ppm was 600. Im just hoping that they dont shoot up because I only have about a foot and a half from the bottom of the hps. throughout veg I cut a lot of the bigger fan leaves..come chewed by the cat, others had dark purple stems. by doing this I was able to stunt growth and grow bigger bud sites on the smaller under leaves, makes the plant look more like a bush than a stalk. ....any suggestions? I can get pictures tonight..


Active Member here are a couple of pictures of the plants so far, my camera died so I will have to wait to get more. It appears as though I have root rot on the one plant in the middle. I lost one plant during my last grow attempt with the roots looking brownish in color and sort of matted together instead of nice mesh. the plant to the far right up front is 1/3 the size of the other plants, this is one that I saved it appears to be doing well and bouncing back. The one in the middle im not sure about though, I will try and get some peroxide tomm and see if that does the trick, im not sure if its a deficieny. The honest God truth is , I dont check ppm or ph I have a PH meter but I think its meant for soil. its just a metal rod piece of $h!t. At the moment I cant afford any more supplies than the $700 i have already blown trying to get a few nugs to smoke. If anyone knows of some nice/inexpensive testers I will look into them, for now I am just using the measurements on my nutes bottle and hoping my tap water is not too acidic. Any one? I am three days into flowering now, I havent noticed much of a difference.



Well-Known Member
Can you give us pics under regular incandescent light? It's hard to make out the coloration in those pics to try and figure out what the nutrient deficiencies/toxicities might be.

If you don't have the dough for a pH meter and a TDS meter, than with all honesty hydro is a really bad idea. Grow in soil. I'm not trying to be harsh, you're setting yourself up for all kinds of frustration and wasted effort--you have somewhat adverse conditions, and can't get the readings you need to make informed decisions. Hydro is not forgiving in that kind of situation, and can drive you crazy. But that's not going to help your current grow, so hopefully someone will be able to give you a decent diagnosis from the pics.

[edited: removed the bit about ducting, it's looking better in the newer pics.]

Random thoughts: In the future, you might consider smaller plants in micro scrog DWC using shared reservoirs to get the most out of the space. If you use two medium sized square-shaped reservoirs side by side , each with it's own screen, you could have two rotations in there at the same time--new clones starting and older ones nearing harvest. Of course, I'd avoid anything like that until you can track down those meters.

Anyway, here's hoping it all works out and you get through to harvest w/as little trouble as possible!


Active Member
I wanted to convert that space to two sections I have a 2ft T8/T5 fixture from HTG that I was going to use for flowering then use the HPS for flowering, but i only have a piece of white mylar with a black back that I was going to hang and velcrow to seperate the sides but I dont think it would shield the lighting from disturbing the grow side. This is my first time though im just trying to keep it simple. I wanted to use a DWC system, but one large reservoir would be cumbersome and pretty heavy to move every week to change water. My space is up inside a closest I have to climb a small latter to get inside there, the buckets are pretty easy to manage. Im open for any new ideas though, thanks for the help....keep it coming I will try to get some more pics but I cant find my camera battery charger....stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
your problem isnt necessarily air flow/cfm, but the fact that your room is vented thru your light and then out, and is rather small for for a 400w bulb

you might want to consider a small a/c unit from local hardware store or walmart.

also you might consider providing a fresh (non grow) air inlet to the light, instead of venting the room out thru it.


Active Member
I may have missed this so sorry if this suggestion has already been posted but where is your air intake? Without fresh air constantly it is going to be hot in there. And don't rely on just that little 4 inch exhaust to pull air in the cab. Get a duct booster from lowes or home depot for air intake and that should help a lot. Hope that helps.